burnley council housing benefit

Mar 14, 2021   |   by   |   Uncategorized  |  No Comments

5.1.4 The NPPF (paragraph 159) requires local planning authorities to prepare a Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) to establish realistic assumptions about the availability, suitability and likely economic viability of land to meet the identified need for housing over the plan period. These trees must be protected during the development’s construction. 5.1.59 The selection of sites for Gypsies and Travellers pitches should follow similar locational criteria to the selection of housing sites for the settled community. The site can be accessed from Ridge Avenue. New planting on the site will need to accord with Policy NE3; Contributions towards off-site highways improvements may be required in line with Policy IC4; and. 5.1.13 The NPPF states that Local Plan policies should be set to meet affordable housing need on sites that are being developed for market housing, unless off-site provision or a financial contribution of broadly equivalent value can be justified and the agreed approach contributes to the objective of creating mixed and balanced communities. These trees must be protected during the development’s construction. A mix of dwelling types, including a minimum of 60% 3+ bedroomed detached and semi- detached houses will be expected, of which at least 50% should be detached; Vehicular access should be provided from Kiddrow Lane with only an emergency (and cycle and pedestrian) access onto Scott Street; Any necessary off-site highway improvement works agreed to be necessary must be carried out in accordance with a phasing plan to be agreed; The existing playing pitches should be retained and/or replaced by equivalent or better provision in the locality, detailed proposals for which should be submitted with any planning application. The development is in all other respects acceptable against other relevant policies in the Plan. The site includes three disused playing pitches. Benefit Fraud; Missed Collection; Waste Crew Behaviour; Anti-social Behaviour; Dirty Backyard; Abandoned Vehicle; Dead Animal; Dog Fouling; Fly Tipping; Empty Litter or Dog Bin; Graffiti; Hazardous Materials; Litter and Glass; Make a Complaint about the Council; Planning Enforcement Complaint; Residential Pest Control; Problem in a Park; Commercial Pest Control This is partly a greenfield site in the open countryside to the north of Worsthorne Conservation Area and development will have an impact on the local landscape and on the setting of the Conservation Area. Burnley Council’s housing work is varied. custom and self-build, extra care etc. Some of this site’s features require Javascript to function. The site is adjacent to a Biological Heritage Site (Leeds Liverpool Canal) and the development scheme should address this issue in accordance with Policy NE1. Outline permission (APP/2014/0410) has been granted for the erection of 18 dwellings, comprising two 8-bedroom houses, two 4-bedroom maisonettes, four 3-bedroom maisonettes, four 2-bedroom apartments and six detached mews houses. Development is unlikely to impact on setting but needs to be considered. It indicates that planning authorities should use a robust evidence base to establish the likely permanent and transit accommodation needs of Traveller communities to inform the preparation of Local Plans. In light of this change, only those members of the Gypsy and Traveller community who still travel, or can be reasonably said to intend to live a nomadic lifestyle in the future, require their needs to be specifically and separately addressed in the Local Plan. The site is partly located on a historic landfill site. Appropriate landscaping and boundary treatment should include screening to the southern boundary to reduce the impact on the wider landscape. The extension is subordinate to the existing building, to allow the form of the original building to be clearly understood; The design respects the architectural characteristics, scale and detailing of the host building and its setting. Whilst the new approach most recently consulted upon by the Government would not specify the type of affordable housing that makes up the 10%, in Burnley, in most cases, starter home provision would preclude the delivery of affordable housing to rent or part rent/part buy. The Environment Agency has advised that contamination could be present due to proximity to a former landfill site. Council Tax/Housing Benefit Blackpool Benefits Division, PO Box 50, Town Hall, Blackpool FY1 1NF 01253 478847 Burnley 9 Parker Lane, Burnley BB11 2DS 01282 425011 Chorley Benefits Office, Finance Department, Civic Offices, Union Street, Chorley PR7 1AL 01257 515410 Fylde One Stop Shop Town Hall, South Promenade, Lytham St Annes FY8 1LW The layout and design of the development should take account of the recommendations of the Council's Strategic Flood Risk Assessment which indicates how flood risk can be adequately mitigated in order to pass the Exception Test as set out in the NPPF; The development of the site is dependent on the delivery by the Environment Agency of a wider food alleviation scheme for Padiham, towards which contributions may be required in accordance with Policy IC4. 5.1.40 The Government is keen to enable more people to build their own homes. The SHMA concludes that need for affordable housing amounts to 52 dwellings per annum over the Plan period. 5.1.65 Proposals will be favourably considered where they satisfy other relevant policies of the Plan e.g. The results of this research are shown in column A of Table 4. Burnley ( / ˈbɜːrnli /) is a town in Lancashire, England, with a 2001 population of 73,021. A mix of dwellings will be expected; and. A mix of dwelling types including a minimum of 60% 3+ bedroomed detached and semi-detached houses will be expected; of which at least 50% should be detached; Over 60% of the site lies within Flood Zone 3a and a small percentage in Flood Zone 3b. The layout and design of the development should take account of the recommendations of the Council's Strategic Flood Risk Assessment. From April 2016, Councils have been required to keep a register of people who are interested in self or custom build housing, and plan accordingly to meet this demand. The site is acceptable for around 151 dwellings. We apologise for any inconvenience. The site is acceptable for around 54 dwellings. An ecological survey will be required to accompany any planning application which addresses these issues in accordance with Policy NE1; Appropriate landscaping and boundary treatment should include screening to the southern boundary to reduce the impact on the wider landscape. 5.1.28 Past clearance of selected areas of high density 2-bedroom terraced properties has created an opportunity to provide lower density housing with gardens, off street parking, carefully designed bin storage, and improved green infrastructure in inner urban locations, whilst still retaining the character of the borough. An ecological survey will be required to accompany any planning application which addresses this issue in accordance with Policy NE1; The southern part of the site adjoining the River Calder should be retained/developed as multi-functional green infrastructure as part of the Ecological Network with public access retained; Whilst an access road could be accommodated within this area, alternative access must also be provided from one or more of the other available access points i.e. 5.1.35 The Plan’s overarching design policy is set out in strategic Policy SP5. This is a greenfield site and a scheme of high quality is expected in line with Policy SP5. These may be supplemented by Local Green Space designations through Neighbourhood Plans. Extensive areas of the site are at significant risk of surface water flooding. The Burnley-Pendle Growth Corridor programme has identified fully funded improvements to the Rosegrove junction to be undertaken by Lancashire County Council and Burnley Borough Council but further works may be required for which a contribution may be sought. Apply for housing benefit First of all, make an application for housing benefit , and upload any evidence to support your claim, for example, proof of identity, income, or … United Utilities has advised that surface water should be removed to a local watercourse if possible as there are no local surface water sewers to connect this development to. The site is acceptable for around 125 dwellings. The links on this page take you to other websites with useful information. Investigation and appropriate remediation will be required in accordance with Policy NE5. New planting on the site will need to accord with Policy NE3; Contributions towards off-site highways improvements may be required in line with Policy IC4; Land contamination investigation and the relevant remediation will be required in accordance with Policy NE5; Development proposals should retain the existing wall around the former reservoir; and. Prior to any planning application being submitted, an appropriate Phase 1 Desktop Study and Phase 2 Remediation Strategy must be prepared. The site lies immediately adjacent to the Locally Listed Old Hall Farm. The Council will need to clearly establish whether the requirement for a new dwelling is genuine, whether it can be met by an existing dwelling on the holding or through the conversion of a building. New planting on the site will need to accord with Policy NE3; Safe and convenient access for pedestrians and cyclist should be provided which connects to the canal towpath; The site forms part of the Lancashire Ecological Networks for Woodland and Grassland. An ecological survey will required to accompany any planning application which addresses this issue in accordance with Policy NE1; Off-site replacement tree planting together with compensatory open space improvement will be required for which contributions may be sought under Policy IC4 and 5; An area of the existing tree planting on the northwest edge of the site should be retained as a buffer possibly within the gardens of the new dwellings; and a larger area at the south eastern edge of around 50 metres should be retained as woodland with public access to allow a future link to Brun Valley Park; and. Contributions may be sought for off-site highway improvement work in the vicinity; No vehicular access will be permitted from Woodplumpton Lane; Protected Species have been recorded on the site which also includes Priority Habitat (lowland fen). The use of soft landscaping on the edge of sites is encouraged even where security fences or walls may be required. Clause 3) would however need to be read alongside any confirmed changes to national policy or legislation. However, these pitches could also be designed to be used for longer term accommodation as the definition allows. The campaign, organised by Lancashire County Council's (LCC) Welfare Rights Service in partnership with Hyndburn Borough Council, is running until the end of June. They have also advised that access to Worsthorne is restricted to three routes, two of which are single track in places with 60mph (derestricted) speed limit. The revenues & benefits service administers claims for Housing Benefit on behalf of the Department for Work & Pensions. The Council will permit extensions and modifications to existing residential properties where: 1) In the open countryside outside of the Development Boundaries, the erection of new dwellings in connection with a farm or other rural business will only be allowed where it satisfies other relevant policies of the Plan and meets all of the following criteria: 1) Where there is an identified need or a demand for the provision of transit and permanent pitches for Gypsy or Traveller use or plots for Travelling Showpeople. Contributions towards off-site highways improvements will be required in line with Policy IC4 to mitigate road safety concerns on Barden Lane between the railway bridge and the canal bridge. Planning Permission has been granted for the redevelopment of the site. Outline planning permission will not be granted until the outline design of the flood alleviation scheme and its implications for the site layout has been agreed in consultation with the Environment Agency. However, there are specific aspects of Gypsies and Travellers cultural traditions and preferences which need specific consideration, such as the preference for living in a caravan or working from home and the need to provide space suitable for both sustained periods of settled living whilst also facilitating a nomadic lifestyle. 5.1.60 Sites should be well designed and sympathetic to the local landscape/townscape. Anyone with concerns should contact the agent in advance of their visit to discuss appropriate measures. Of these 3,282 could be accommodated on site of 0.4 hectares or larger. Local Housing Allowance bedroom entitlement help: If you are not sure how many bedrooms you are entitled to, use the LHA Bedroom Calculator or contact the housing benefit department at your local authority. military personnel as defined in the Allocation of Housing (Qualification Criteria for Armed Forces) (England) Regulations 2012. 5.1.22 Policy HS2 clauses 1) and 2) are sufficiently flexible to apply with or without the currently planned change in the definition of affordable housing. The modest increases to the overall housing stock planned means there are limited opportunities to provide new adaptable stock both in the market and affordable housing sectors. Whilst each site will be assessed on its merits, taking into account its size, characteristics (including shape/landform) and context and townscape setting, as well as evidence of demand for the mix and type of dwellings it will be assessed against the proportions set out in Policy HS3 below as informed by the recommendation of the SHMA so that each site contributes as appropriate to meeting the overall borough-wide mix. Development needs to address the site’s canalside location in accordance with Policy SP5 2) c). The requirement to periodically review housing needs remains and this will include the needs of people residing in or resorting to their district “with respect to the provision of sites on which caravans can be stationed.”. The third route is via Brownside Road which has a length over which traffic is restricted to one way working at two locations due to parked cars where residents have no alternative parking facilities. This is a greenfield site in the open countryside. To help prevent spam, please enter the letters from the image above. in respect of fuel bills and repair costs. Skip to Job Postings, Search ... Calderdale Council 3.5. The site is acceptable for around 18 dwellings. LCC Highway engineers have advised that this may need to be formalised with traffic signals to deal with increased traffic flows; and that a culvert runs under the western portion of the site which may restrict the siting of suitable access. Contamination: The site is partly within Source Protection Zone 2 which is designated to protect groundwater supplies and as such any foul drainage will require connection to the main sewer. 5.1.23 Policy HS2 allows for the affordable and starter home provision to be waived/varied and this is consistent with current national policy, and the Government’s intention for a minimum of 10% is not yet confirmed through a revised NPPF. The third route is via Brownside Road which has a length over which traffic is restricted to one way working at two locations due to parked cars where residents have no alternative parking facilities. Proposals should also consider how the canal setting is best utilised. During the Plan Period improvements to the roundabout at the Junction of Brownside Road and Brunshaw Road will be necessary to mitigate against the increase in traffic flows. What are the benefits of being based in Burnley? To the north of the site is a Scheduled Monument. 5.1.18 The 2016 SHMA suggests an affordable housing split by tenure of: 80% Affordable Rent or Social Rent and 20% Intermediate tenure. This is prominent greenfield site in the open countryside. The Lancashire Ecological Network for Grassland identifies part of the site as a stepping stone habitat. Vehicular access should be taken from Saltburn Street only, with the existing site access from Gannow Lane permanently closed; Screening and noise mitigation measures are required in order to lessen the impact of noise from adjacent industrial uses to the east of the site; and. 5.1.47 The Council has previously successfully used the now revoked national policy set out in Annex A of Planning Policy Statement 7: Sustainable Development in Rural Areas to determine the criteria for assessing housing development for use by rural enterprise workers. 5.1.49 Research has shown that a lack of suitable sites, accommodation, and inadequate living conditions for the Gypsy and Traveller community are linked to poor health and educational attainment, as well as being at the root of ill-feeling between the settled and Traveller communities. 5.1.15 An alternative successful approach for the delivery of affordable housing in Burnley has been to work directly with Registered Providers to build houses on sites made available by the Council from its landholdings, or through compulsory purchase. High quality matching or complementary materials should be used for extensions, appropriately and sensitively in relation to the context. Please note this email address does not contact the service listed above so do not use it … 5.1.64 Careful consideration should be given to how a site can deliver adequate living standards to residents. New planting on the site will need to accord with Policy NE3. All access is via Brougham Street and Daneshouse Road. An ecological survey (including breeding bird survey and survey of any South Pennines SPA qualifying species present) will be required to accompany any planning application in accordance with the recommendation of the Council’s Protected Species surveys which identifies and addresses these issues in accordance with Policy NE1; Appropriate landscaping and boundary treatment should include screening to the northern and western boundary to reduce the impact on the wider landscape. Burnley Council Tax Band Monthly Council Tax Charge Annual Council Tax Rate; BAND A: £110.92: £1,331.00: BAND B: £129.33: £1,552.00: BAND C: £147.83: £1,774.00: BAND D: £166.33: £1,996.00: BAND E: £203.25: £2,439.00: BAND F: £240.25: £2,883.00: BAND G: … Post-recession restrictions on mortgage lending to those on low or modest incomes and to the self-employed means that many households who could afford to buy are actually unable to do. Just click on the links below to find out more. 5.1.43 As set out in Section 2, Burnley has an oversupply of high density terraced housing which can be difficult to adapt to suit the needs of some older residents and those with a disability, as there can be little scope for creating ground floor indoor bathrooms/toilets, ground floor bedrooms and introducing other adaptations. Contributions may be sought for off-site highway improvement works in the vicinity, both to Glen View Road and for traffic management works to the A646 and Manchester Road signal junction as development is likely to have cumulative impacts on this junction. Proposals should seek to utilise and enhance its canal setting. The NPPF assumes a need for affordable housing has been demonstrated and that sites are generally viable and sufficiently profitable to enable developers to provide affordable housing in addition to market housing. There has also been recent housing development to the south, and how these two sites relate to each other and integrate will need to be considered. Apply to have your benefit backdated. 5.1.54 In May 2012, Burnley and Pendle Borough Councils commissioned the Housing and Urban Studies Unit at the University of Salford to produce a Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation Assessment (GTAA). In the absence of new guidance from the Government following the publication of the NPPF, the Council will continue to use similar criteria. An ecological survey (including a breeding bird survey and survey of any South Pennines SPA qualifying species present) will be required to accompany any planning application which identifies and addresses these issues in accordance with the recommendation of the Council’s Protected Species Survey and Policy NE1; Appropriate landscaping and boundary treatment should include screening to the southern boundary to reduce the impact on the wider landscape. Grove Lane, Wyre Street and Lune Street; and. The south eastern part of the site lies within 250m of the Grade II Listed Higher Red Lees Farmhouse. 5.1.53 Based on any need identified, Gypsy and Traveller pitch targets and Travelling Showpeople plot targets should be set, and a supply of specific deliverable sites sufficient to provide five years’ worth of provision detailed. The site is 60 metres east of a Registered Park and Garden and lies adjacent to Brun Valley Forest Park. 5.1.24 As set out in Section 2, Burnley has a high proportion of high density terraced housing stock, reflecting its industrial past. Requiring the provision of affordable housing through all housing developments of over 10 units, unless the applicant can demonstrate that a site, which would otherwise be supported by the policies in the Plan and meets the requirements of Policies SP4 and SP5, would not be viable with affordable housing provision on-site or off-site by way of a contribution. 42 Such policy considerations will only be those which could be impacted on by the provision of smaller/affordable housing units and could include for example the required mix or quality requirements set out in the site specific additional policy requirements or in Policies HS3, SP4 3), SP5 or the Historic Environment Policies. As a former industrial site, contamination investigations and the appropriate remediation will be required in accordance with Policy NE5. The site is within or closely related to the Development Boundaries identified under Policy SP4; The proposed site is suitable for use as a Gypsy, Traveller or Travelling Showperson’s site and can provide an acceptable living environment for future occupiers; The site is not subject to physical constraints or other environmental issues that cannot be mitigated to an acceptable level, or that would impact upon the health, safety or general wellbeing of residents on the site; The site is or can be well integrated within the local townscape in a manner in-keeping with the local character, using boundary treatments and screening materials which are sympathetic to the existing urban/rural form; Good levels of acoustic and visual privacy can be achieved for both residents and adjacent occupiers. For allocated sites, indicative housing numbers have been set out which reflect the densities the Council considers appropriate. The presence of known heritage assets (Medieval and earlier) within close proximity of the site would suggest some limited potential for unknown archaeology of local-regional significance and suitable provision will need to be made for archaeological desk based assessment and field evaluation consistent with Policy HE4; and any further investigation or recording works that may be necessary as a consequence of development. A mix of dwelling types will be expected; Protected Species have been recorded on the site. 5.1.14 This NPPF approach of requiring private sector developers to provide a proportion of affordable housing on site, normally through a partnership with a registered provider, has been successful in Burnley in a number of cases in the inner urban areas, but has generally required public sector subsidy. The site is acceptable for around 35 dwellings. A mix of dwelling types, including a minimum of 40% 4+ bedroomed detached and 30% 3+ bedroomed detached or semi-detached houses will be expected; Vehicular access should be from a single point onto New Road. 5.1.5 The Burnley Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment Update of March 2017 (SHLAA) is a combined assessment which assesses the amount of land available within the borough that is potentially available to meet the identified need and demand for new employment and housing … Contributions may be sought for these improvements. The site is thought to be heavily contaminated, and investigations and relevant remediation measures will be required in accordance with Policy NE5. A scheme of high quality is expected in line with Policy SP5 and lower density housing is preferred not only to provide quality and choice, but to provide a greater opportunity for landscaping, planting and minimising impacts. RPC Services Ltd, Company Number 4857900, registered at Companies House, Cardiff 6th August 2003. Proposals for new housing developments of between 10 and 49 dwellings will be expected to provide public open space in line with the above standard. 5.1.44 Whilst many alterations and extensions to houses do not require planning consent, it is important that where they do they: respect the character and integrity of the original building and the streetscene in terms of their height, width, depth, building line, footprint, materials; retain useable amenity space; and do not have an detrimental impact on the amenity reasonably expected to be enjoyed by adjoining residents or other users. 5.1.31 The SHMA provides a suggested housing mix by type and size as follows: Table 3: Suggested Property Size and Type - 2016 SHMA. Development proposals should include improvements to footpath links to Healey Heights. We often report local authorities criticising the standards of letting agents and landlords - now here's a quite different story. The site has local archaeological significance and suitable provision will need to be made for archaeological desk based assessment and field evaluation consistent with Policy HE4; and any further investigation or recording works that may be necessary as a consequence of development. Access is anticipated to be taken from Sycamore Avenue and could provide a link to recent development to the north of the site, as was originally intended. The Lancashire Ecological Network for Woodland identifies part of the site as being Stepping Stone habitat. 5.1.29 Paragraph 50 of the NPPF clearly demonstrates the importance of delivering high quality homes and creating sustainable, inclusive and mixed communities by planning for a mix of housing based on current and future demographic trends, market trends and the needs of different groups in the community. Any updated Site Specific Flood Risk Assessment required will need to address this issue to meet the requirements of Policies CC4 and CC5 of this Plan. Benefits Births, deaths, marriages and care Business and self-employed Childcare and parenting 5.1.9 The NPPF requires Local Plans to meet their full, objectively assessed needs for affordable housing where this is consistent with the other policies set out. Apply For It. This approach would not preclude proposals that are innovative or contemporary where these are of exceptional design quality and where these are fully justified where necessary through the design and access statement which should address the treatment of the existing property and effect on the streetscape. Gypsies and Travellers who can demonstrate a local connection. Tell us … Policy HS8: Gypsy and Traveller Site Occupancy Condition, 38 These are called the Urban Boundary in the 2006 Local Plan, 39 This site was part of Heckenhurst Reservoir then referenced HS1/15 at Preferred Options Stage, 40 This site is suitable for a range of uses and is not specifically included in the calculations of housing land or employment land supply or the housing trajectory - see also EMP1/11. Transit pitches are generally designed for short stays only for those who were actively nomadic with no base or with a base elsewhere. The site is acceptable for around 20 dwellings. A mix of dwellings types will be expected; Contributions towards off-site highways improvements may be required in line with Policy IC4 to mitigate road safety concerns on Barden Lane between the railway bridge and the canal bridge or to bring Heald Road up to a suitable standard; The site is adjacent to a Biological Heritage Site (Leeds Liverpool Canal) The southern part of the site is wooded and forms part of the Lancashire Ecological Network for Woodland (Stepping Stone habitat). This is greenfield site in the open countryside. Burnley Addendum June 2016, 48 Those who satisfy the definition set out in Appendix 1 of Planning Policy for Traveller Sites, August 2015, 49 Those who satisfy the definitions set out in Appendix 1 of Planning Policy for Traveller Sites, August 2015, 51 i.e. Development will be expected to reinforce the site’s Key Gateway role consistent with Policy SP5. Contributions towards off-site highways improvements may be required in line with Policy IC4. This will safeguard pitches for those leading, or intending to resume a nomadic lifestyle as identified within the GTAA, rather than allocations being used to accommodate unmet need from other areas, or demand from non-traveller households. 5.1.10 The 2016 SHMA assesses the overall need for affordable housing and the specific tenure (social rent, affordable rent and intermediate housing). Sensitive and well-designed development can make a significant contribution to the long term preservation and presentation of the Scheduled Monument. Rates are based on the number … In order to achieve this, they should work with Travellers, their representative bodies, local support groups and other local authorities. A mix of dwelling types will be expected; The proposed scheme should respect the character of the area whilst also providing an opportunity to lower local densities and provide greater levels of private amenity space and off street parking; The scheme should incorporate two storey dwellings and harmonising ‘feature plots’ enhanced with natural local stonework laid in a manner to match the existing housing in the area. 5.1.38 Policy IC3 and Appendix 9 set out the parking standards for all types of new development including, housing schemes.

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