what does sir toby plan to do with the letter

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14. Sir Toby and Fabian enter, suggesting that Malvolio may be possessed by the devil; he sneers at them and leaves. That, he … How does Olivia put two-and-two together to figure out what has really happened to Malvolio? As Olivia's lady in waiting, it's her job to keep Toby Belch and company from being too rowdy while Olivia mourns for her dead brother. Olivia realizes that Maria has written it; Fabian defends Maria, saying that the plot was Sir Toby’s idea and that Toby has married Maria. She hides with Sir Toby and Sir Andrew as Malvolio finds the letter and is taken in by the trick. What happens when Antonio enters and Sir Andrew and Viola are drawn on one another? 11. Why does Antonio risk going to Illyria to find Sebastian? What does Sir Toby tell Sir Andrew about his confrontation with Viola? Fabian picks up where Sir Toby left off, telling Cesario that the knight is the most dangerous in all Illyria. Why does Antonio give Sebastian his purse? They hide. She Is frightened and doesn't know what to do. 7. But Fabian, as we quickly realize, needs no urging; he is more than anxious to relish every minute of their plan to make a fool of Malvolio. 18. 1. Sober - he doesn’t like the fact that Sir Toby and Sir Andrew drink so much. William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night is a play in which we watch several characters develop throughout the show. 3. What idea does Sir Toby come up with to help Sir Andrew? What does Maria tell Olivia about Malvolio? Meanwhile, Sir Toby finds Sir Andrew and tells him that after receiving the (actually undelivered) letter, Cesario is furious and ready … What happens when Antonio enters and Sir Andrew and Viola are drawn on one another. How do Sir Toby, Maria, and Fabian treat Malvolio, They think he is possessed so they treat him like he is crazy, 6. By marrying Maria, Sir Toby acknowledges that he admires these qualities in a woman, mirroring Orsino’s admiration of Viola’s courage and intelligence. 5. 10.   Terms. What happens with Sir Toby and Maria? Why does Sir Andrew tell Sir Toby he is going to leave, 2. What does olivia reveal to "Cesario" and how does "Cesario" respond, He loves her and he doesn't love her and wont come back, 4. 10. What is revealed about Sir Toby's 'friendship' with Sir Andrew, It is fake, he is using him for his money, 5. What does Sir Toby plan to do with Sir Andrew's letter? How does Olivia respond to this "new" Malvolio, She doesn't agnolizae him and pays a lot of attention to Cesario, 4. Who does Olivia ask to look after Malvolio. What does Maria tell Olivia about Malvolio, 3. What does Olivia ask Sebastian and how does he respond? Why is Antonio in danger in Illyria?3. 15. What does Sir Toby tell Andrew he thinks of his letter? 1. What does Sebastian think of Olivia and his situation? Strange/no friends. At the same time, Maria's a girl who likes to have a bit of fun herself. TOBY You, sir? 17. 1. 20. (Accost is to woo/charm) What name has Viola given herself as she pretends to be … 15. 19. Sir Toby is an integral part of the play's most famous scene, Act 2, scene 5, in which Malvolio is tricked by Maria's letter … Beforehand, Malvolio had been wishing to marry Olivia. What is the problem between Feste and Sebastian? Malvolio promises to obey the letter: to smile, to put on yellow stockings cross-gartered, and to be haughty to Sir Toby. Feste teases Malvolio, who storms out vowing revenge. SIR TOBY BELCH And does not Toby take you a blow o' the lips then? Sir Toby and Malvolio don't get along and don't like each other. Bring letter to Cesario. What does Sir Toby plan to do with the letter ACT III SCENE iii 1 Why does, 1 out of 2 people found this document helpful. Cesario begs Sir Toby to seek out this knight and find out what offense he has committed, and so Sir Toby exits, ostensibly to go on his assigned errand, leaving Cesario in the company of Signior, a title Sir Toby impromptly bestowed on Fabian, all in the spirit of their practical joking. What does Sir Andrew say when he enters? Why is this? How does Viola respond to Sir Toby's challenge from Sir Andrew? Lie thou there (throwing down a letter), for here comes 20 the trout that must be caught with tickling. What happens when Olivia sees Sir Toby and Sebastian? Answered by Aslan 3 years ago 4/17/2018 8:02 PM I think that he plans to bring the letter to Cesario. ... As for Malvolio, Maria promises to plan an elaborate prank to punish him for being such a haughty party pooper. Malvolio is indeed fooled by the forged love letters, but the … He will tell each that the other is fearsome and out for the other’s blood. How does Feste worsen things for Malvolio? 5. 4. Why might it make sense for Sebastian to respond this way? The nothing happen; he won't do anything. How does Viola react to Antonio's questions? FABIAN Nay, patience, or we … Create an account Maria Devises a Plan 20. What does Viola begin to think once Antonio is taken away? Maria composes a love letter in Olivia's handwriting, and leaves it so Malvolio will find it. Where does Antonio tell Sebastian to meet him? TOBY, ⌜ drawing his sword ⌝ Nay, if you be an undertaker, I am for you. How might this be a bad thing for Malvolio? 5. Why does Olivia want to see Malvolio? What task does Sir Toby assign to Sir Andrew? What does Sir Andrew decide because of this? Who does … 1. Sir Toby assigns a letter to Sir Andrew to be delivered to Cesario. Find answers and explanations to over 1.2 million textbook exercises. What does the Duke say to "Cesario" when Olivia calls "Cesario" her husband? 2. Sir Toby convinces him to stay a month longer, promising to help him, and Sir Toby therefore gets to keep his moneybags close …   Privacy What does Olivia ask "Cesario" to do for her. 13. What does Sir Toby tell Andrew he thinks of his letter, That is really good What does he really think? 3. How does Viola respond to Sir Toby's challenge from Sir Andrew. Enemy of the Duke. Both characters share many of the same qualities. Learn more about Twelfth Night with Course Hero's FREE study guides and That's exactly what Maria does when she writes a letter that brings about Malvolio's downfall. What does Sir Andrew tell Sir Toby to tell Viola in response to this, The if there is not fight, he can have the horse Does he do this? 3. Malvolio’s mind works differently from any other Shakespearean player, spawning his own misery with its own natural tendency to deceive itself. To wear a necklace with her picture on it. What does Sir Toby say they're going to do to Malvolio, 7. She thinks that he is crazy and acts like she has never seen him before. Antonic thinks Cesario is Sebastian. 8. MALVOLIO 'You must amend your drunkenness.' These two exit then, just as Sir Toby and Sir … What does Viola begin to think once Antonio is taken away, 18. He is going to deliver it but in a different manner, come up with his own challenge From their hiding place, Toby, Andrew, and Fabian observe Malvolio’s delight in discovering the love letter. They are sure that neither Sir Andrew nor Cesario will actually provoke the other into a real duel. upon Malvolio, and proposes it to Sir Toby, Sir Andrew and Feste. The three, as well as one of Olivia 's servants, are planning to play a … 3. 6. Why does Antonio give Sebastian his purse. Why. 5. yes, 14. 5. Why does Antonio risk going to Illyria to find Sebastian, He has enemies in orsino's court and stole things, 3. 12. Toby thinks this is a great idea and says that he will either write Malvolio a letter or talk to him face-to-face about the duel. What does Sir Toby plan to do with the letter? 5. 6. How would you describe Malvolio's frame of mind? Why does she do it? Sir Andrew agrees to the plan and goes off to find a pen and some paper, and while he is gone, Sir Toby and Fabian chuckle over the practical joke they have just arranged. SIR TOBY: He shall think, by the letters that thou wilt drop, that they come from my niece [Olivia], and that she is in love with him. Sir Toby privately decides that he will not deliver the silly letter but, instead, will walk back and forth between Sir Andrew and Cesario. Why does Antonio risk going to Illyria to find Sebastian? What does Sir Toby plan to do with the letter? What happens when Sir Andrew "catches up" with Sebastian? 4. Try our expert-verified textbook solutions with step-by-step explanations. How does the Duke react when he realizes "Cesario" is really a woman? For example, both of them are given to excessive drinking and eating, both love a good prank, and both enjoy harassing serious-minded people like Malvolio. Why is Antonio in danger in Illyria? 165. 4.  Who does Olivia ask to look after Malvolio? What do Sir Toby and Fabian send Sir Andrew off to do, Write a letter challenging cesario to a duo, 4. The exultant plotters plan to … In Act II, Scene 5, Maria tells Fabian and Sir Toby to hide in the shrubbery. 16. Sir Toby comes up with the idea of a fight. Does he do this? Sir Toby departs. Maria comes up with the idea of tricking uptight Malvolio after he threatens to tell Olivia about Sir Toby and Sir Andrew’s drunken fun. What does Olivia ask  "Cesario" to do for her? 8. Still, he has sense enough to suspect that Olivia will have nothing to do with him, and proposes returning home the next day. What does Sir Andrew tell Sir Toby to tell Viola in response to this? ACT III, SCENE iii 1. You lie there now [Maria throws down a letter], for here comes the fish that must be caught by tickling it. How do Sir Toby and Fabian convince him to stay, 3. Sir Toby does not plan to deliver the letter. Sir Toby assigns a letter to Sir Andrew to be delivered to Cesario. infographics! His business skills His dancing His cleverness His wit 4 of 5. In what manner does Sir Toby … How does Olivia react when she learns to whom she is married? SIR TOBY BELCH Out, scab! When they meet, what does Sir Toby compliment Sir Andrew Aguecheek on? What does he really think? What does Sir Toby not plan to do, though? Why, what are you? What do the officers do to Antonio when they see him, 16. What "bet" does Sir Toby make at the end of the scene? ... TOBY He shall think, by the letters that thou wilt drop, that they come from my niece, and that she’s in love with him. Maria’s plan to trick Malvolio might not be very kind, but the plan is intelligent, shrewd, and funny. What do the officers do to Antonio when they see him? What does Olivia so concerned with that she keeps asking Cesario to tell her, 3. When Toby, Maria, and Andrew are all greeting each other for the first time we see them, Toby tells Andrew to accost Maria, so he walks up to her and says "accost". Why does Antonio risk going to Illyria to find Sebastian? How do Sir Toby, Maria, and Fabian treat Malvolio? Why do Viola and the clown seem to get along so well, 2. Sir Toby tells Sir Andrew to write a letter of challenge, which Sir Toby will deliver; Toby actually has no intent of sponsoring a duel, but thinks the exercise might cool Sir Andrew off a little. Sir Toby Belch appears to be a drunken mess throughout Twelfth Night.. 2. How does Olivia respond to this "new" Malvolio? 3. What "bet" does Sir Toby make at the end of the scene. What does Malvolio say in his letter to Olivia? Sir Toby who is listening over Malvolio’s conversation calling him an “overweening rogue” quickly supports this. 17. FABIAN O, good Sir Toby, hold! One character in particular, however, does not at first glance appear to undergo any serious character development. 2. 2. 5. What does Sir Andrew Aguecheek get wrong about Maria? MALVOLIO Saying, 'Cousin Toby, my fortunes having cast me on your niece give me this prerogative of speech,'--SIR TOBY BELCH What, what? Maria forges a letter, apparently from Olivia, declaring love for Malvolio. Maria, Sir Toby, and Sir Andrew deceive Malvolio into believing that Olivia is in love with him by forging love letters from Olivia to Malvolio. This preview shows page 3 - 4 out of 4 pages. 2. What does "Cesario" ask Olivia to do? 92). When Antonio tells the Duke that he rescued "Cesario" from the sea how does the Duke respond? ANTONIO, ⌜ drawing his sword ⌝ 330 One, sir, that for his love dares yet do more Than you have heard him brag to you he will. Then he launches into an involved, implausible, and ridiculous diatribe involving the hours of the day and of the night and the four elements, and ends by praising Sir Andrew … The letter is addressed to “the unknown beloved” and contains what seems to be a riddle about love (II.v. ... Delivering letters to Olivia 7. What does Sir Toby think of Viola's treatment of Antonio? Sir Toby does not plan to deliver the letter. Why is this confusing to everyone? 2. Enter Sir Toby and Sir Andrew. 1.  Who does Feste dress up as and pretend to be? What does Sir Andrew decide because of this. What proposition does Olivia offer and how does Sebastian respond? It suggests that the writer is in love with somebody but must keep it a secret from the world, though she wants her beloved to know about it. Later in the play, Maria devises a way to have revenge [why?] Maria arrives onstage with the news that Malvolio "does … What does Sir Toby think of Viola's treatment of Antonio, 19. How does Sir Toby describe Sir Andrew to Viola? 4. Sir Andrew enters and quickly proves Maria’s opinion of him correct. That is sucks, 8. 11. Course Hero, Inc. Sir Toby does in fact go on to marry Maria. Orsino sends Cesario, his new favorite servant, on a very important errand. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Here come the officers. Why does Olivia ask "Cesario" to come back, 1. 1. Where does Antonio tell Sebastian to meet him, 4. How does Viola react to Antonio's questions. What does Sir Toby realize and become afraid of? What does Sir Toby say they're going to do to Malvolio? Sir Toby absolutely disagrees: "a false conclusion," he pronounces, and a flaw in reasoning, a vexation which he dislikes as much as he does an empty beer mug. Cesario says he does not mind admitting that he's too cowardly to fight. 9. Sir Toby, Sir Andrew, and Fabian (another of Olivia's servants) have agreed to meet in Olivia's garden, and as the scene begins, the three men enter, Sir Toby urging Fabian on. What does Sir Toby plan to do with the letter, He is going to deliver it but in a different manner, come up with his own challenge, 1. I believe however, that Shakespeare subtly hinted at a major change in Sir Toby… What does Sir Toby tell Sir Andrew about his confrontation with Viola, 13. Enter Officers. Sir Toby's character is similar to an earlier comic character of Shakespeare's, Sir John Falstaff. Copy of Twelfth Night Act II Study Guide Questions.docx, Copy of Twelfth Night Act III Study Guide Questions.docx, New London High School, New London • SPA 3178, University of Northwestern St. Paul • ENG 1105, University of Massachusetts, Amherst • ENGLISH 112, Copyright © 2021.

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