causes of informal settlements

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In general, the expansion of the towns of Ekurhuleni mirrored the broader national process of urbanisation (Bonner et al. (2012:207) that from the mid-1990s, South Africa’s economic policies were firmly framed within a neo-liberal paradigm, which as critics (Bond 2002; Bradley 2003; Datt 2002; Dyantyi 2007; Habitat & ILO 1995; Harvey 2000; Khan & Thring 2003; Knight 2002) point out is characterised by the expansion of opportunities and options for private capital accumulation. (informal settlements) that are owned by the government of Liberia. Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality suffers a high continued demand for housing. Expectations were heightened by the fact that when the present government came into power (in 1994), one of the electoral promises it made was that it would endeavour to build a house for every South African (Bradley 2003:85). Every week more than a million people are born in or move to cities in the developing, world, driving up the need for new and better housing (P. Nations state that 3 billion persons will be living in slums in 2050 (Ademiluyi 2010). This was heightened by the, free basic services which encouraged an entitlement mentality, and a dependability syndrome that reduced rather than, encouraged an impetus to self-help (Jeffery 2010:351) and, caused an exponential surge in the expectation of free benefits, Ekurhuleni, the so-called urban underclass, a place to call, home remains an elusive dream (Lindsell 2007:81). The core problem identified in this research is the uncontrollable illegal division of lands for substandard housing. Informal settlements currently accommodate more than a quarter of the world's urban population. The crisis of housing, delivery and other basic services is actually a result of the, pro-market (growth-oriented) policies adopted by the South, African government since 1994, a primary goal of which was, to reduce inflation and government spending to below 4, the gross domestic product, thereby limiting the amount of, money the government could spend on social needs including, housing (Bradley 2003:85). participants. This was corroborated by Malpass (1990:5) in his view that the apartheid state’s lack of investment in housing created an unprecedented housing shortage and resulted in the proliferation of squatter camps. Richards, R., O’Leary, B. From another viewpoint, informal settlement is the consequence of general problems of the global system and has emerged due to specific conditions. Coupled to the other key contributory factors to housing delivery challenges in EMM is unaffordability by individuals (White paper on housing 1994:9). A key cash injection exercise, revenue collection enables rural municipalities to render quality basic services to needy communities. City of Ekurhuleni Annual Report, 2011/12 EMM human settlements, City of Ekurhuleni, Germiston. Jiboye (2011:177) provides that urbanisation is the, process of human agglomeration in multifunctional, settlements of relatively substantial size. The almost insatiable demand for labour by the rapidly expanding secondary industry (mining) attracted hundreds of thousands of African workers into Ekurhuleni, a city that is deemed to lack a clear city identity and is instead characterised by multiple urban identities (Bonner et al. Results: Key findings suggest that the government is the dominant cause of the challenges, largely through promises of free housing, economic policies and housing policies that are not conducive to directly tackle existing housing challenges. metropolitan municipalities of South Africa. A number of interrelated factors have driven the emergence of informal settlements: population growth; rural-urban migration; lack of affordable housing; weak governance (particularly in policy, planning and urban management); economic vulnerability and low-paid work; marginalisation; and displacement caused by conflict, natural disasters and climate change (UN-Habitat, 2015b). structure and functionality of the previous government regime, would finally come to an end. cause Ekurhuleni’s spatial distribution to be fragmented. agreement with the foregoing, Ekurhuleni Metropolitan, Municipality – IDP & SDBIP (2015) states that the current, housing backlog (144 000) and the housing solution (one, house per stand) targeting poor families is constrained by, land unavailability because most of the City’s land is on, dolomite, some undermined and others with serious natural, and environmental constraints. The resources used to finance the ASGI-SA, which was intended to help the state attain its core objectives, of halving poverty and unemployment by 2014 also resulted, in a decrease in funds intended for social needs, including, housing (Jeffery 2010:88). therefore here to stay for the next decade and beyond. According to (Baloyi 2007:1), this instigates public demonstrations, some of which are rambunctious and extremely violent as communities feel betrayed and let down by the government and its representative bodies, particularly municipalities. Srinivas, H., 1991, ‘Viability of informal credit to finance low-income housing: Case study of three squatter settlements in Bangalore, India’, unpublished Master’s thesis report, Division of Human Settlements Development, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok. growth (including migration, urbanisation and demographics), municipal administrative issues and economic variables, are the major causes of informal settlements. Aim: It acknowledges housing shortage, unavailability of land, housing distribution, population growth, corruption, unaffordability and poverty as causes of housing delivery challenges; explores government’s contribution to housing delivery, Government policy towards informal settlements in south africa reflects a tension between two approaches: recognizing the legitimacy of informal settlements and aggressively removing these so-called “slums”. The physical factors concern the nature of the land on which people build unauthorised structures. Robbins, S., Bergman, R., Stagg, I. Informal settlements where low-income and poor groups of ... Todaro also defines the economic motives of migrants and expected income in cities are main causes of immigration. Jiboye, A. D., 2009, ‘The challenges of sustainable housing and urban development in Nigeria’, Journal of Environmental Research and Policies 4(3), pp.12–14. & Oluwabi, A. O., 2011, ‘Issues and challenges militating against the sustainability of affordable housing provision in Nigeria’, Business Management Dynamics 1(4), pp. PADCO, 2006, ‘Essential to economic, social and civic development’, Housing for All 1(1), p. 1. The South African government of democracy have shown to (1) drawing on nationally representative household survey data and interviews with 25 individuals relocated from an informal settlement to a “transit camp”, this paper argues that more, This paper examines post-apartheid housing delivery in the Mangaung Local Municipality – previously known as the Bloemfontein–Botshabelo–Thaba sampling was adopted as a procedure to sample the intended A total of 66 informal settlements are currently located in areas not suitable for development and were earmarked for relocation by the Department of Human Settlements. Through the qualitative content analysis technique, the article reveals that rural municipalities in South Africa are encountering various revenue collection challenges that have a negative bearing on rural public service delivery. Marutlulle, N.K., 2017, ‘Causes of informal settlements in Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality: An exploration’,,,,,, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, population growth (migration, urbanisation and demographics), government economic policies [Reconstruction and development programme (RDP), Growth, employment and redistribution (GEAR) and Accelerated and shared growth initiative (ASGI-SA)], administrative issues (municipal maladministration, lack of control and corruption), economic variables (poverty, unemployment, unaffordability and poor access to housing finance). It means adequate privacy, lighting and ventilation, basic infrastructure and location, with regard to work and basic facilities – all at a reasonable, cost (Habitat & ILO 1995:2). The municipality is home to the OR Tambo International Airport, the busiest airport in Africa, which services the entire continent and links to major cities throughout the world. While decent housing is important to every individual and nation, housing crisis remains one of the global problems and a grave and rising challenge facing both urban and rural residents, particularly in most developing countries. Municipal maladministration, lack of control and corruption are the main administration-related factors that cause housing challenges and ultimately informal settlements. 2012:117). of oppressed South Africans (Bonner et al. Urban expansion and the growth of informal settlements (or slums) place great pressure on already struggling health and education systems. This is the definition which is consistent with this article. The three main causes of informal settlements are Lack of resources, Urbanization, and Poverty. The paper recommends use of quality building materials and technicians/artisans, improvement of surface water drainage and training of residents on the effects of climate change and variability. It means adequate privacy, space, security, lighting and ventilation, basic infrastructure and location with regard to work and basic facilities – all at a reasonable cost (Habitat & ILO 1995:2). Field surveys involved interviews, questionnaires and observations and tests were conducted to determine the strength of walls, blocks and mortar. As Richards, O’Leary and Mutsonziwa (2007:375) put it, informal settlements are therefore here to stay for the next decade and beyond. Inadequate housing can be, manifested in many forms which may appear individually or, in combination and may be regarded locally as a problem or, may not be (Harvey 2000:28). In the post-1990 period, densification of the urban areas led to Ekurhuleni being a highly concentrated urban complex presently housing the largest number of informal settlements in Gauteng. The Housing Development Agency, 2013, Informal settlements status, Government Printers, Pretoria. This is in line with the assertion by the Provincial Budgets and Expenditure Review (2010:69) that in metropolitan areas, the house price to income ratio increased from a stable average of approximately 2.7 between 1996 and 2000 to 5.2 in 2005 (getting worse as the years progress), which substantiates the reality that housing has become less affordable. When the present government assumed power in 1994, the majority of South Africans, particularly disadvantaged ones in the black community, Indian community and mixed race community believed that life would change for the better and service delivery, particularly for essential services, with housing at the apex, would be improved. They are oen situated in geogr, dwellings that have inadequate light, air, for family privacy; that are subject to re haz, their illegal or semi-legal status, infrastructur, structures not approved by a local authority and not intended as a permanent dwelling) (The housing dev, One shack or more constructed on land, with or without the consent of the owner of the land or the person in charge of the land. 2012:150). Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, Barriers and opportunities for participatory environmental upgrading: Case study of Havelock informal settlement, Durban, Adaptive resistance amidst planning and administrative failure: The story of an informal settlement in the city of Kitwe, Zambia, Exploring Revenue Collection Impediments in South African Rural Municipalities, Perception of Community Members on the provision of Low Cost Housing in Kwa-Dlangezwa Area, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Vulnerability analysis of building structures to floods: The case of flooding informal settlements in Dar es salaam, Tanzania, Urban Housing in Nigeria for Sustainable Development: Challenges and Prospects, Unsustainable South Africa: Environment, development and social protest, Housing Problem in South Africa: Ideological Perspectives, Ekurhuleni: The making of an urban region, The assessment of the housing in the theory of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Hovels to High-Rise: State Housing in Europe since 1850, Public Housing Delivery Strategies in Nigeria: A Historical Perspective of Policies and Programmes, The failure of housing policy in post-apartheid South Africa. Stories of the emergence, consolidation and growth of informal settlements take many forms in the Global South. While Eddy (2010:3) affirms that historical circumstances continue to affect service delivery, Brutus (2002:1) however argues that the problems confronting many citizens today including those in EMM are not simply the result of historical factors – the housing crisis and other basic services is in essence a result of the pro-market policies adopted by the South African government since 1994. City of Ekurhuleni Annual Report, (2010/11:6) suggests that assuming the current average, 1 650 595 people will need to be housed, which will translate, to increased densities as the current figure of 1650 people per. This calculation, excluded the growth in demand, which was sure to result, from the natural population growth and the ongoing influx, Causes of informal selements in Ekurhuleni, According to UN-Habitat (2015:2), informal settlements are, caused by a range of interrelated factors, including population, growth and rural-urban migration, lack of affordable housing, for the urban poor, weak governance (particularly in the ar, in land speculation and grabbing), economic vulnerability, and underpaid work, discrimination, marginalisation and, displacement caused by conflict, natural disasters and climate, change. The study used Mindolo North informal settlement in the city of Kitwe as a case study to examine mechanisms through which informal settlements emerge, consolidate and grow. In the period after 1960, the lack of affordable industrial space in Johannesburg, the country’s largest city, meant that many companies wishing to expand their operations during the boom times were forced to relocate to areas outside Johannesburg. 2012:176). In the post-1990 period, densification of the urban areas led to Ekurhuleni being a, highly concentrated urban complex presently housing the, largest number of informal settlements in Gauteng.

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