analysis and synthesis of data about floods in pretoria

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The catchment descriptors (Desi) included catchment area, equal area catchment slope, MAR90, and an index of the veld type zone or K-region. As shown in Fig. The median of the AMS (MEF) was used as the index to scale the values. However, limitations of event-based methods include the assumption that the exceedance probability of the flood event is the same as the exceedance probability of the rainfall event, i.e., the 100-year return period flood event is assumed to result from a 100-year return period rainfall event, and the antecedent soil moisture condition in the catchment prior to extreme rainfall events is not taken into account. This was followed by other scholars who have used GIS in informal settlement upgrading [1, 2, 8 and 13]. Discontinuities at regional boundaries need to be investigated and the alternative approach of transferring hydrological information from gauged to ungauged sites within a region should be evaluated. The focus tended to be on GIS mapping, with less emphasis being placed on the application of spatial analysis. [ Links ], HAILE AT (2011) Regional flood frequency analaysis in Southern Africa. 10, pp. SADC Regional Vulnerability Assessment & Analysis (RVAA): Synthesis Report on the State of Food and Nutrition Security and Vulnerability in Southern Africa 2019 (01 … The following sections provide a brief background to the RFFA methods used in this study. (2000) and Haile (2011) utilised the statistics of the at-site data with various homogeneity tests to identify homogenous flood regions in their study areas. [17] L Brabyn and C Skelly: Geographical Access to Services, Health (GASH): Modelling Population Access to New Zealand Public Hospitals‘, The 13th Annual Colloquium of the Spatial Information Research Centre University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand December 2nd-5th, 2001. 2 shows the vulnerability of households to flooding and fire. Report No. 1. The performance of these methods has been assessed at selected flow-gauging sites in the province of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), South Africa. [12] O Dubovyk, R Sliuzas, and J Flacke: Spatio-temporal modelling of informal settlement development in Sancaktepe district, Istanbul, Turkey‘, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol. As shown in Fig. 98 pp. [ Links ], SMITHERS JC and SCHULZE RE (2000b) Long duration design rainfall estimates for South Africa. 3, pp. This is the case because the roads are situated on higher altitude terrain (Fig. Performance of regional flood frequency analysis methods in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, JC SmithersI, II, *; J StreatfieldII; RP GrayII; EGM OakesII, IBioresources Engineering, School of Engineering, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Private Bag X01, Scottsville, 3209, South Africa IIJeffares & Green (Pty) Ltd, 6 Pin Oak Avenue, Hilton, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, South Africa. Fig. 1: Geographical location of Monwabisi Park. After the initial selection of gauges, additional gauges with 15-20 years of record were investigated for inclusion in the analysis in areas which did not have any gauges included in the initial selection. Available at: One person taking photographs of the household and interviewee. It showcases the use of various types of spatial analysis in informal settlement upgrading. 2 A preliminary analysis of flood and storm disaster data in Viet Nam Oanh Luong Nhua, Nguyen Thi Thu Thuyb, Ian Wilderspinc and Miguel Coulierd1 1. Pooled values for the coefficient of skewness (g) and coefficient of variation (CV) were weighted according to the record length and the inverse of a similarity distance (Disti,j), computed using Eq. 10 also confirm the poor performance of the JPV method when the regionalised LP3 distribution is used. This study utilises indigenous or local community knowledge which have been integrated with other data (such as stakeholders‘ perspectives) which would eventually be analysed by GIS. focussing on Rainfall, Flood Analysis Methods, Data and Products have been established to identify and prioritise research needs and this presentation will present the background to the NFSP and output from the working groups. Fig. 1-4, 2013. Sinopsis ... 7.8 FINDINGS OF THE ANALYSIS ... at the University of Pretoria, the idea was aired of a research unit at the university, sponsored by The Hannover Reinsurance Company. The valley acts as a heat trap and prevents flow of cool southerly and … Hence, the longer the period of record, the better the assumption that the selected distribution represents the distribution of the population of all extreme events at the site. Analysis and synthesis of data on relationships between soil factors and soil erosion in South Africa. It is recommended that the limitations of available flow records to estimate extreme flow events need to be urgently addressed. Due to irregularities between the handwritten responses, the captured attribute data, and the numbering of the polygons in the shapefile, 1127 records (either lines in the attribute table, or polygons in the shapefile) could not be used. One person sticking the survey number on the shack. 28, no. The man is believed to have drowned in the recent flooding in the area. 2, pp. Water Research Commission, Pretoria. 5, the K-regions were grouped into 3 regions: (i) high-K (K > 5), (ii) mid-K (K=5), and (iii) low-K (K < 5). Volume II. Lack of essential services: Not all households have facilities like toilets, running water and proper refuse collection facilities. Methods to extend the rating tables, and thus provide an estimate of discharge for all observed stage levels, need to be urgently developed. Five different methods of GIS spatial analysis were applied on Monwabisi Park spatial data, in order to assist with decision making for urban upgrading. The incorporation of indigenous knowledge of the area in the decision making process is emphasised so as to empower the community [7]. During the analysis, the attribute data and the polygons that did not join were excluded, representing a waste of effort. 189-203, 2013. 2 (Görgens, 2007). Having done GIS mapping in previous projects, they approached the authors to explore further GIS mapping and spatial analysis that could improve on what they had done already. 18, no. [ Links ], GÖRGENS AHM (2007) Joint peak-volume (JPV) design flood hydrographs for South Africa. In 2018 alone, 50 flood disasters were reported in Asia, causing nearly 2,000 casualties and losses of USD 16 billion. In some regions where the negative constant in the linear relationship resulted in a negative MEF, exponential relationships were developed in this study to estimate the MEF from catchment area using information from Haile (2011). 356 pp. 591–612, 2003. The design of hydraulic structures (e.g. 241 pp. [13] K Musungu, S Motala, and J Smit: Using Multi-criteria Evaluation and GIS for Flood Risk Analysis in Informal Settlements of Cape Town: The Case of Graveyard Pond‘, South African Journal of Geomatics, Vol. Both Mkhandi et al. 24, no. This resulted in a shapefile containing 5125 polygons representing households with attribute data.A preliminary exploration of the questionnaire data showed the characteristics in Table 1. The main aim of this study was to apply additional analysis on the spatial data captured by VPUU, so as to optimise the use of GIS on the rich data that came out of the participatory mapping of Monwabisi Park. The selection of the GIS analysis method was dependent on a particular problem that was to be analysed. Alexandra residents displaced by floods decry govt over failed promises. The results from this study are applicable only to KZN and the performance of the various RFFA methods at a national scale needs to be investigated. The distribution of the length of record of the selected gauges used in the analysis is shown in Fig. Using drone for site evaluation / planning / construction survey / construction progress / as-built data • Principles, resolution, height, angle, sun, etc. As shown in Fig. Van Bladeren (1993) derived growth curves using both continuously recorded data and discharges derived from historical flood information from the Natal and Transkei regions. 1/72. 35, no.4, pp. SANCOLD, Pretoria. [1] P Zeilhofera and V Topanottib: GIS and ordination techniques for evaluation of environmental impacts in informal settlements: A case study from Cuiabá, central Brazil‘, Applied Geography, Vol. Floods. In 1983, the Voluntary Association for International Service was invited by the Catholic Church to provide technical support in the Belo Horizonte town upgrading, in which they decided to use GIS.

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