how to write a good facebook post

Mar 14, 2021   |   by   |   Uncategorized  |  No Comments

It’s too easy for your fans to scroll past boring – especially on a mobile device, which almost 400 million people use as their only way to access Facebook. I'm not saying people are dumb (well maybe some are) but my experience is that if you give people a little push and some clear direction, you will see results. Figure out what your target audience is, … :). Still …. Try pinning the post to the top of your Facebook page to ensure all visitors will see it. We deliver what we promise. Good Facebook Bio Ideas and Facebook Bio Examples. I’ll be testing them, too, on the Buffer page and looking forward to sharing with you the results later on. I’ll dive into more detail on each of these further down in the article. Image sources: Icon Finder, Blurgrounds, Startup Stock Photos, PlaceIt, HubSpot, Facebook, Orbit Media, SumAll. 1. 14. A Buddy Media study of 100 top on Facebook found that 40 characters or fewer receives the most engagement on average (it also happens that these ultra short posts are the least frequent types of posts on Facebook). Write a description that grabs your audience’s attention. Lori Greiner from Shark Tank is a great example of this. After a second or two, Facebook will display the link’s meta information—title, description, and photo. Photo posts require that you upload and attach a photo to your update. As far as what to type (and how much to say), there’s a perfect amount for that, too. Save it, print it, share it with your team. Accomplishing that goal requires giving readers a reason to click your link. 9 Strategies for Writing Your Best Facebook Ads 1. And let me tell you that while it may express your feelings at the moment, it makes you look like a jerk in the long run. Hopefully these best practices have given you some ideas on what to test with your Facebook marketing strategy. Service, is brief—40 characters or fewer, if you can swing it, follows other posts on a regular schedule, They target an audience with a strong passion, They publish very good content (at least, very good for their target audience). BlitzLocal studied 11,000 Facebook pages and found that engagement increased as posts got shorter. Facebook posts especially—given the dramatic dip in reach—can feel like a mystery. Do you get more engagement when you share an optimized link or a photo? Get people to share it? Here are five rules for how to write effective Facebook posts people want to engage with. Other experts say that you can post 1 – 2 times a day and still be OK. Our advice is to post a couple of times a week, making sure that you include a mix of content. They get a LOT of shares (thanks to the 3 points above), and shares are what offers the highest level of “viral” visibility for a page’s content. Here’s how (and why) you should work social media into your plans for 2021 and beyond.... SummaryFinding the best time to post to Facebook can massively help your business stand out and reach more of your audience. You have one responsibility as a blogger — yup, just one. So don't give them all of the information in your post, because then they don't need to click your link. It used when you send out tweets listing users, who you feel should be followed by your followers. Drive traffic to your website? Don’t ask open ended questions. I’d love to hear how these tests go for you and if you’ve found perfect practices for your Facebook page already. It nails the elements of post type, length, and imagery. Right off the top, here’s what I found as the five ingredients that go into a perfect Facebook post. If you post your updates when few others are posting, your updates stand a better chance of making it through. We’ve referred to this “Late Night Infomercial Effect” before. So – each time you write a Facebook post, think how you can tell a story around the things you captured in the photos or videos. These writing tips are intended to take some of the guesswork out of writing copy for your business’s ads. We will be taking you deep into the world of Facebook content strategy that helps in establishing a connection that ensures conversions. 7 Tactics for Writing the Best Facebook Posts *Every Time* 1. Read the reviews of books in your niche on Amazon (you’ll find a gold mine of feedback to explore). That said, I want to share with you 7 tips for writing awesome Facebook posts that should help you get more engagement from your fans and tribe. Personalize Your Posts. This creates a large typing area for your new post. Can you get more reach by posting at night and on the weekends. It would seem the best results will come from links. Videos are good complements, too. Over the years many experts have weighed in on what "works" on Facebook. Thus a post with many comments will “weigh in” more. All Rights Reserved. Use Facebook Targeting to Narrow Your Audience, then Write to It When it comes to selling online, it’s … Even if your post is a text post, add a graphic or photo to increase engagement. You post to your Facebook page, hoping you’ve hit upon something that works. Among the tips, post on Saturdays and Sundays and post after regular work hours. The cool thing is, that all this post will be displayed in the Recommendations section of the business’s Facebook Page as customer reviews. You … Boring doesn’t work on Facebook. Kim Garst is probably one of the best when it comes to posting positive related pictures: *Adapted from a blog post from Social Media Today. Facebook’s latest tweaks to its News Feed algorithm give a slight boost to timely, trending topics. Short, sweet and to the point. The key to a successful Facebook post is to start with a clear objective. How to Write Good Status Updates on Facebook. What works for your page may not work for mine. There are several ways of staying on schedule with your Facebook posts; set up a content calendar or sign up for a free scheduler like Buffer. In the Write a Post section, there's an option to add photo or video posts. But be direct. Mark Schaefer and Tom Webster analyzed data on 8,000 Facebook pages (data courtesy of AgoraPulse) to identify how brands were impacted by the apparent drop in organic reach. The thought process goes like this: You compete with hundreds of thousands of posts to be seen in the Facebook News Feeds of your fans. Other studies have confirmed the “shorter is better” maxim. Just like choosing images for your ads, writing ad copy is both art and science.That’s why we created the the Ad Copy Cheat Sheet. With this latest update, another consideration will be when those likes and comments occur. And that objective should be obvious. The way to create a link post might not be immediately clear from the update composer on Facebook. Post at optimal times. So, here are some of the important tips that are going to help you make your first post on Facebook. Figuring out what to post on Facebook can be tough. For another bump in engagement, try posting on the weekend. A good best practice for Facebook is to include a visual with every single post. A link post is one which contains a link to another Facebook page or a website. Ben & Jerry know how to get their customers chatting. 5 Tips To Help You Make Your First Post On Facebook. Of course, as with all of the best practices mentioned below, you can take them as a jumping off point to your own experiments and tests. The example in Tip #1 is a great example of this also. Simplicity: This is the simplest of all Facebook post strategies: a catchy, inspirational quote which appeals to a select audience. Facebook’s selection of ads has made slow but steady advances over the years. Don’t ask open ended questions. Great! Link posts take advantage of meta tags from the webpage, including information on the page’s title, description, and photos. It adds spice to their post. If you want someone to click on a link and read your blog post, use an enticing headline. When sharing content on Facebook, the choice is often between sharing as a link and sharing as a photo. And how can you publish one and not the other? Facebook is clear: Commenting on a post is weighted much more than a like. heights. So what does a link post look like compared to a photo post? 7 No-brainer Tips to Write an Awesome Facebook Post, What Content To Tweet: All the Twitter Stats, Facts, and Data You Need, Here's How to Get More Likes on Facebook in 2021 (and Reach Millions), The 9 Types of Social Media Content You Need to Use in 2020. For help creating a compelling Facebook update, try a tool like CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer.Enter your post copy in the text box, and the tool will provide recommendations to improve your update. How great would it be know that the post you just published had the best chance of maximizing clicks, likes, and comments. An example of this type of Facebook post could be things like ‘how not to suck at Facebook Marketing in 2018’ or ‘the 8 most common Facebook fails and how to avoid them.’ This post highlights how your business can identify a problem and then go about fixing it. Facebook isn't in its infancy anymore and your status updates shouldn't be either! They could have just used a talking-head video selling people on the benefits of the campaign, but they chose to use a different approach and it paid off. In their study of 5,800 pages and over 1.5 million posts, Track Maven came up with best practices and advice for brands. You still need to adhere to the other tips I mention above -- about remaining positive and keeping it short, etc. As you must know by now, Facebook is one of the more popular social media channels and millions of people are interacting with other people online through Facebook on a very regular basis. You can craft your Pages in numerous ways – short and long descriptions, a mission statement, product links, milestones, etc. When you paste a link into the update box on your Facebook page, Facebook will pull this information in automatically and place it in a link format. The best, the mobile form for leaving a recommendation has the option to upload a photo from the phone and publish it together with the text. Manage your brand’s Facebook presence with Hootsuite. The photo stands alone, underneath the custom text that you choose to add. The data comes from Facebook itself, which performed studies on the number of clicks for different post types. Click + Write a Note to create a blog post. And Track Maven found some data to back it up. The second element factors in the rate at which users are liking or commenting on a post. You can use hashtags in all of your Facebook post ideas to get more engagement! Briefly, #FollowFriday came from Twitter and became a frequent Friday activity. Once this happens, you can delete the URL out of the composer window and type in your own catchy intro. To get things looking exactly right with the link that you share, you can control the text and image by editing the open graph tags on your page. Among the tips, post on Saturdays and Sundays and post after regular work hours. To share a link, copy and paste a URL into the composer window. In order to land a spot on a user’s Facebook News Feed, try shifting your scheduling strategy from posting during the most popular times in the workweek to the most effective times. Plus, people more likely to share photo posts. We’ve written here about how this whole process works, and if you want to check your progress before publishing an update, you can plug in your URL into the Facebook Open Graph Debugger tool to get a preview (and check to see what might need fixing). Because this type of content also converts well, discount and sale alert posts are great ideas for promoting on Facebook as well. If there’s ever a way to slip in a newsworthy angle to your Facebook post, do so. Tailor your Facebook post ideas to be posts your specific audience would want to see to get more engagement. Cover photo – 820 x 462 pixels The cover photo appears across the top of your page and is a great opportunity to deliver a visual element that supports your branding, draws attention, or elicits emotion from your visitors. With more and more pages and people to follow the news feed for many is very crowded on Facebook. No one likes a negative Nelly! Facebook Post that Promotes your Brand or Products #1: The Sale Post This is the #1 Facebook post type because it's the best, hands down. Since Facebook allowed to use hashtags in the posts, people start to use popular #FollowFriday (or #FF) hashtag to get more engagements. Here's an example from John Haydon's "The Nonprofit Facebook Guy" page: What if you can't think of any questions to ask? Or launch a full ad campaign with these high-converting tips and tricks. The 40-character intro is more of a teaser, supplemented by the text in the link itself. People might agree with your negative sentiments -- but they will hold back the Likes, Comments and Shares because they don't want to be perceived as negative. Video streaming services like Facebook Live are becoming increasingly popular on social networks and have shown to boost engagement when done well. If you want to increase the reach of your post and have room in your social media budget, consider boosting it. #5 Be personable and authentic Remember you’re talking to real people – so be as personable, conversational and authentic in your posts as if you were talking to a good … How Do I Claim My Facebook Page Username & Vanity URL. She's always posting short and positive thoughts to keep her fan base engaged -- as seen here: I recommend posting an image 80-90% of the time. Some of the best Facebook Bio Pages use the space to give viewers a quick explanation of the Page and to list a call to action. If you want your business to have a presence on social media, Facebook is probably one of the first or the first social media platform you think of. The above post by RadioShack ticks all the boxes: it has an interesting image, a compelling headline and a good call-to-action (CTA). I've personally fallen into the negative trap a few times. Looking at when people like or comment on a post. Posts at this length tend to receive a higher like rate and comment rate—in other words, more engagement. Track Social noticed the same effect in its study: So-called “tiny” posts of zero to 70 characters saw the most likes, comments, and responses. A link post will encourage the user to click the link and land on the destination page. Facebook Canvas ads, introduced in 2016, are a good example of this underused versatility. The best window for a workday is 5:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Eastern Time. But remember that Facebook isn't a "One Size Fits All" platform. They want to get access to your deals and discounts as soon as possible. People respond and tend to share more when the post is about something positive. We’ve built a full stack of social media tools to help modern brands grow their awareness, engagement, and sales. How do you create the perfect Facebook post? The successful pages in this study posted at least once a day, creating an expectation among its fans of consistent, quality content. Several Facebook pages have found great success with this particular style of post. While this is less of a content idea, it’s still a good Facebook posting tip in general. So, if you launch a new product or service, a link post is a good way to alert your customers and drive traffic to that page. You can also boost engagement by ending your post with an exclamation mark. Here are 7 ways to write the best Facebook posts -- every time. Encourage comments that build community? Dumb it down a little. It's a great use of calls to actions and giving clear direction. You'll see +Add Note instead if you accessed the Notes page through your profile. You’ll get more engagement and better response if you post a link with a question or call to action, rather than just posting a link solo. // . But be direct. Let’s get into a bit more detail about each perfect ingredient. Check out the results below, test out the tips and strategies on your own posts, and watch your Facebook stats climb. 3 The options up top are for Status, Photo/Video, and Offer/Event. And most people tend to skim through posts quickly and won't read long winded posts. It's near the top-right corner of the page. Then start filling your queue with quality content. Be anything but boring . Facebook currently looks at total number of likes and comments as a factor in whether or not to display a post in the News Feed. Pairing your Facebook posts with questions is a great way to accomplish this. 1. And as small business owners and brand managers, there’s a very good chance you’ll be able to reach and connect with your target audience through Facebook. The video that Damn Good Academy uses in this Facebook sponsored post is unconventional and humorous. For that, keep the visible part of Facebook posts short and eye-catching (or even eyebrow-raising): create a wow-effect with your text so users couldn’t skim through it. That's why I recommend 80-160 characters. You need to test to see what gets the most engagement from your particular fans. Let’s also assume that you are publishing good content. What do you want this post to do? Use Hashtags In Your Posts. Invite conversation whenever possible, with each post you do. Mark Schaefer and Tom Webster analyzed data on 8,000 Facebook pages, give a slight boost to timely, trending topics, Social Media Customer I often use "Click Like if you agree and Comment if you don't" -- or something to that effect. Below is a great example from TabSite App where they ask a direct question and then give a solution and link to their Pinterest account. When you’re writing a new update, you won’t see an icon to enter a link. If you are introducing a new product, offer a special deal or limited time offer to encourage cli… Learn the strategies and tactics to take your social media marketing to new Well, then try the "Questions" category in Post Planner's Status Ideas Engine. Take this one from The Muse, for example (a Facebook page that routinely engages 50 percent of its fans per post). Create a simple CTA with one clear action. Please do share in the comments! Here’s a helpful infographic, created by HubSpot and Track Maven. This is to prevent things like a simple photo, which usually accumulates many more likes than comments, from appearing as relevant content for users. This last point might not apply to some brands whose content and industry don’t lend itself well to timeliness.

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