yarraville ward candidates 2020

Mar 14, 2021   |   by   |   Uncategorized  |  No Comments

You can find your closest facilities and parks, as well as rubbish collection days, your ward councillors, and lots more. Part of this would involve promoting more partnerships and setting up proper council assistance for artists to secure additional funding for projects. I don’t believe our resources should focus on priming a large scale commercial event. We have something far more powerful. We can also do much more to support local schools in education and action around climate change; including supporting school students when they strike and take other actions for climate action. Purchase this photo from Pic Store : 207701, Contamination fears at Williamstown North. [So I would] find some fine line where council would work with venue owners restaurant or bar to utilise the streetscape to have people eat outside have drinks outside, not just because of COVID but people who would drive past or walk past would see people out and about and want to do the same thing to facilitate these ideas. Too often the arts are a luxury for the wealthier part of town. 36 These figures are not directly In my work as the Secretary of the Ethnic Broadcasting Association of Australia, I have obtained many skills that can be transferred and allow me to be a great councillor. Support Aboriginal rights; refugees and LGBTQIA+ equality. Imad Hanna Hirmiz – Aitken Ward Drew Jessop – Aitken Ward Carly Moore – Aitken Ward Abdul Osman – Aitken Ward Ravi Ragupathy – Aitken Ward Rosham Silva – Aitken Ward Jacksons Creek: Jarrod Bell – Jacksons Creek Ward Andrew Gould We want a renewed multi-language public health education campaign. First preference votes. For a full rundown of candidate responses to climate change in Hobsons Bay, Moonee Valley, and Maribrynong council, go to Westside Climate Action FB page. “And we’ve got two Greens now, three ALP and one independent, so it’s really quite interesting in the sense that the political parties who have done endorsements of candidates have been successful,” she said. How important is climate action to you and how do you plan to implement it within your council? Footscray will be the next Carlton/Brunswick/Richmond – the inner city suburbs who have so much life about them at night. GU, Yvonne. I have seen so many people in leadership roles put their agendas before the communities voice and that really disappoints me. We need to see wage subsidies extended to casual and migrant workers as well. I’d aim to get these up for summer in anticipation of outdoor performance, and also leverage of state government COVID funding. Candidate for Moreland - North West Ward Daniel Taylor Candidate for Hume - Meadow Valley Ward Chris Giddings Candidate for Darebin - Ward A Adam Bottomley Candidate for Darebin - Ward B Steven Chang Candidate for Darebin - Ward C Sebastian Evans We want to see publicly available PPE throughout Maribyrnong, hand sanitiser and mask dispensers – particularly near busy hubs and dining precincts. Still, something that none of them has would be a beautification on the streetscape to help facilitate the engagement of patrons to contribute to the local economy and the traders back pocket. It is broken up into three wards, two with two councillors and one with three councillors. We mourn the loss of the Reverence and the Dancing Dog. It’s a critical issue that we can’t afford to sit back on and wait for state and federal governments to act. Tying in with this is the need to provide heat refuges in our open spaces during summer, including targeted tree planting, shade areas, and misting zones with evaporative cooling that would have integrated community benefits not just for the arts, but for everyone. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. We reached out to Bernadette Thomas, Minh Quan Nguyen, Eddie Merrifield, Pradeep Tiwari, Judy Hang, Megan Bridger-Darling, Cuc Lam, Mohamed Semra, Ken Betts, Andrew Charles and Cameron Bolton but did not receive a response to our questions in time for publication. Level 1, 45 William St, Melbourne, VIC 3000 (03) 9912 2992 | office@vic.greens.org.au Portal Direct investment into small businesses via additional grants. They are also running for council in Stony Creek Ward. Buloke Shire Council 7 spots, 2 wards of 2 and 1 ward of 3. Collaborating with local organisations and young people to develop a youth strategy & suite of programs. Partner with local businesses so the locals can become aware of the great businesses we have around us through innovative marketing strategies. Yarraville Ward Candidate, Yarraville Ward - Simon Crawford Received 1 September 2020 cr.crawford@maribyrnong.vic.gov.au If elected, how will you support making it easier for people to walk and ride in Maribyrnong? The arts and live music are very important sectors, they contribute to the development of our cultures, community connectedness, harmony and general health and mental wellbeing. October 10, 2020 October 22, 2020 notionoriety 1 Comment Comparing local government candidates can be difficult because, in comparison to state or federal elections, it’s harder to find differences between the policies of each candidate – if they have policies at all. by Kate Aubusson and Mary Ward ALP ‘Coward punched from behind’: McKay attacks unions over polling NSW Labor leader Jodi McKay has attacked the unions over commissioning polling. We will work with public health experts to do everything we can to make Maribyrnong as safe as possible for its residents, workers and visitors. They are also running for council in River Ward. I’m not a climate expert but I certainly value protecting our environment and green spaces. I am working six days a week as a traffic controller, I direct traffic and am running for the council so I can fix stuff just like this. If elected, I would love to look at ways for us to invest in these two areas because we have a lot to be proud of, but I feel a lot has been left to certain venues, organisations and artists to promote themselves and I think we could do more to build on this. We have you. Stony Creek Ward: Cuc Lam and Bernadette Thomas. Now is the time to design, plan, and build outdoor infrastructure to capitalise on warmer seasonal trading. CARTER, Sarah. We have some significant issues with how rates are applied to long term residents who moved here before the property boom in the last decade, and the pressure this exerts on cash-poor, asset-rich residents who have dedicated their lives to the community. Establishing a clear communications channel and process so people can connect with council. Yarraville Ward Councillor Telephone 0435 340 699 Email Cr.Clarke@maribyrnong.vic.gov.au Jorge was the only one to be elected, but Victorian Socialists candidates received impressive votes across the seats we stood in. 152 likes. Visit the Victorian Electoral Commission website to see a map of ward boundaries. The following vacancies exist for the Maribyrnong City Council: River Ward (2 vacancies) Stony Creek Ward (2 vacancies) Yarraville Ward (3 vacancies) Below is a complete list of candidates in ballot paper order. More than anything, we need dynamic, unorthodox, solution-based planning to exploit opportunities for artists within the limits of stage three restrictions. Restaurants need to have outdoor dining experiences. See their responses in the River Ward candidates section above. As well as this, universities being turned into neoliberal degree-factories almost always sees resources for drama, music, and fine arts being slashed first. We are very passionate about building a local council that will advocate for the rights of working families, young people and aged citizens, and reinvigorate the spirit of community solidarity that runs deep in the West! Prioritising local businesses first for council contracts. Never miss a story. Yarraville Ward Facebook Email Elected! Also want to issue every household with a FREE green bin – currently people have to purchase a green bin if they want one which I fear is a barrier to many who could otherwise be recycling food waste in their green bins now. Help us build a future for all of us. Yarraville Ward: Michael Clarke, Simon Crawford and Jorge Andres Jorquera. Former deputy mayor Megan Bridger-Darling and Martin Zakharov were not re-elected. The art and live music sectors are a very important area to me, I want to support them as a councillor by promoting them especially the hard-hit ones. But artists are also battling gross inequality and challenges imposed on this sector by capitalism. In consequence: Ascot Vale Labor MLA Ernie Shepherd contested Footscray. We have the tools available now for our council to reach carbon neutrality in a cost-effective way, even revenue generating. If elected to council, we will do everything we can to reduce local carbon emissions, expand investment into green jobs, protect existing green spaces and increase community gardens and urban forests, stand with First Nations and climate justice activists the world over in opposing the planned “gas and fossil fuels led recovery”. MELBOURNE – This year, six second generation Vietnamese-Australian candidates are hoping to make a difference in their local government elections. Simon Crawford Councillor for Maribyrnong City Council - Yarraville ward Bernadette Thomas Councillor for Maribyrnong City Council - Stony Creek ward Our achievements We are especially concerned about the high unemployment rate among young people in Maribyrnong, and the prospect of increasing hardship for working families and young workers. Unlike Labor and the Coalition, we don’t have the deep pockets of big business and developers. My name is Chay and I’ve been a Westie for over ten years. I want to push giving more opportunity to locals for local jobs. Act now on the climate crisis; divest from fossil fuels, grow urban forests. And also the continuation of the proliferation of little boutique bars in the city and expanding on that, but up to a point where the existing venues are not saturated. Percentage. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Over the last ten years, many world-class institutions of arts education in Australia have been destroyed by the ruthless pursuit of profit by university administrations. As a counsellor and acupuncturist, this one is very close to my heart. I want to push for more funding for small businesses from the State government especially for those who have fallen through the gaps with the JobKeeper program. Music will be a benefit to our mental health so it is a major issue. We think the best way to support small business is to increase the incomes of working families and young people, rather than to funnel government handouts to giant corporations – such as the takeout food chains and retail stores – that will only undermine small, local businesses, and further reduce the wages of young workers. Increase funding for neighbourhood centres, maternal health and community sport. The Local Paper. I want to be that voice. Very important. It is no coincidence that every revolution and mass movement that challenges the injustices of our world usher forth explosions of creativity, music, street art and more. I am very passionate about keeping alive the traditions of cultural and social diversity that have characterised our West, and hope to build a local council that will enrich these traditions with a newfound pride in the spirit of community solidarity that runs deep in our West! When art is instrumentalised for profit, its scope is narrowed, making it private and undemocratic, as well as turning what should be fulfilling work into one where it is impossible to earn a living, with rampant casualisation and exploitation. This is a list of candidates who stood for the 1958 Victorian state election.The election was held on 31 May 1958. We need to start planning for the now, because we don’t know when post-lockdown will be. Our council needs a dynamic response, looking at how we can best utilise the circumstances we are in, leverage off our strengths, and be proactive in advocating for local businesses and community organisations. Progress will come from strong and dynamic thinking, rather than bureaucratic meddling. Carlton Labor MLA Denis Lovegrove contested Fitzroy. From a socialist perspective, the best way to make arts work accessible is to make it secure, organised, well-paid, and education in the field free and well-funded. We are not a sales agency or property development company. There is also a large number of disused warehouses along Somerville Road that could be repurposed for cheap and free studio space. If elected, we will use the influence of our position to lobby for an increase to all pensions, to reverse the cuts to JobKeeper and JobSeeker, including the reduction for part-timers. We will work to convert all of our pedestrian crossing buttons to no-touch facilities. City of Maribyrnong’s current councillors are Sarah Carter (Mayor) and Gina Huynh – River Ward; Megan Bridger-Darling (Deputy Mayor) and Cuc Lam – Stony Creek Ward; and Martin Zakharov, Simon Crawford and Mia McGregor – Yarraville Ward. My initial plan involves education. It’s also worth noting that in the long term, countries who have chosen not to lock down or have opened up too early have suffered dire economic consequences as well as health ones. I would also like to work with these groups and promote them in schools and hubs or community centres as they are so important and can support peoples metal health. Former councillors Gina Huynh and Mia McGregor did not run for re-election. Let’s utilise state government COVID funding and get this party started now. Here's a brand new mural of Jorge Andres Jorquera, @vic_socialists candidate for Maribyrnong (Yarraville Ward) in the up-coming local council elections. First preference votes. Please note: all first preference percentages have been rounded to two decimal points. Chay Granger, Maribyrnong River Ward candidate, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Rate relief for households and pensioners in financial stress. Councillors need to use their position to advocate for better government support for artists as well as expanding grants and rental relief strategies through council budgets.

The Braying Mule, Bristol Rovers Community Trust Staff, The Canadian Gardener, South Hedland Motel, Funny Goat Gif, Mughal Empire Decline, Wheatbelt Way Wildflowers,