portfolio committees in south africa
Portfolio Committee on Environment, Forestry and Fisheries. The Committees must develop holistic understanding of the department or performance of the public entity. Committees Contact details. This committee can be contacted via the committee secretariat. Mr. MS Mkhombo - Researcher for Education. With the announcement of the reconfigured Cabinet by the President recently, the number of government portfolios have been reduced from 36 to 28. We have heard from various sources that the portfolio committee should reconvene in September with a view to finalising this Bill for once and for all. The two reports of the PC on Communications are about the Draft notice determining the remuneration of councillors of the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) and the Filling of four vacancies on the Media Development and Diversity Agency … Oversight responsibility of Sports, Arts and Culture Portfolio Committee. Information and all images are copyright protected. Portfolio committees will be composed of 11 Members: 6 from the ANC, 2 from the DA, 1 from the EFF and 2 from other parties. Clr RP Gumbi (ANC); 3. Pan Africanist Congress mnyhontso@parliament.gov.za : Member of the following committees. We have written to the Committee Chairperson, the secretary of the Committee, the Parliamentary Researcher and a Committee … 1.2 Portfolio Committee on Education; Culture, Sports & Recreation . The information on this site fulfils the Municipalities constitutional obligation, in terms of South Africa’s Promotion of Access to Information Act (No. Portfolio committees are appointed from members of South Africa's National Assembly to provide parliamentary oversight for the work of government departments. Clr S Chetty (ANC); 6. Clr T M Cele (ANC) - Chairperson; 2. Public Safety and Community Services Portfolio Committee; Ward Committees; Other Committees. The Portfolio Committee on Energy (PCE) made its recommendation on 27 November when it formally adopted its report on the 2018 Draft IRP, following public hearings held in October. 083 709 8445. SAMA has been and remains supportive of the progressive realisation of Universal Health Coverage for people in South Africa. Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services. Education Committee. PAGE SAFETY AND HEALTH IN MINING State of mining in South Africa 2. 021 403 3272. Our People All rights reserved. Inkatha Freedom Party on the provincial list for the province of KwaZulu-Natal, Parliament's Policy on Political Party Allowances, Announcements, Tablings and Committee Reports (ATC), Status on Section 76 Bills Before the NCOP, Office on Institutions Supporting Democracy, Portfolio Committee on Sports, Arts and Culture, Select Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Water and Sanitation and Human Settlements, Portfolio Committee on Employment and Labour, Select Committee on Health and Social Services, Portfolio Committee on Social Development, Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration, Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources and Energy, Joint Standing Committee on the Financial Management of Parliament, Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises, Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services, Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation, Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament, Select Committee on Public Enterprises & Communication, Mr Zwelivelile Mandlesizwe Dalibhunga Mandela, Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Portfolio Committee on Higher Education, Science and Technology, Select Committee on Transport, Public Service and Administration, Public Works and Infrastructure, Select Committee on Land Reform, Environment, Mineral Resources and Energy, Joint Committee on Ethics and Members Interests, Portfolio Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Select Committee on Education and Technology, Sports, Arts and Culture, Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings, Portfolio Committee on Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour, Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation, Portfolio Committee on Small Business Development, Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans, Portfolio Committee on Environment, Forestry and Fisheries. Joint Standing Committee on … Siyabamkela Mthonjeni Tel: 021 403 3734/083 709 8390 Email: smthonjeni@parliament.gov.za; Vhonani Ramaano Tel: 021 403 3820/083 709 8427 Email: vramaano@parliament.gov.za; Composition. vcarelse@parliament.gov.za. PAGE Content Page 1 Safety and health in mining 2 2 Economics of mining 23 3 Job losses 29 4 Skills expenditure 39 State of mining in South Africa 1. In South Africa, Committees in Parliament have been established to oversee the executive, relevant structures of government, government activities and public finances. Clr LA Garbade (DA); and Committees Contact details. The Portfolio Committee on Tourism, having considered Budget Vote No. National Assembly Committees. A joint committee of Parliament monitors improvements in the quality of life and status of women in South Africa. Portfolio Committees. © 2000 - 2017 Mpumalanga Provincial Legislature -. Clr SA Khawula (ANC); 4. The MPLOM requires that a team (Coordinator, Researcher, Information Officer, Committee Secretary and others) supporting a committee be under one Committee Support Manager. Ms. Primrose Modisane is a South African citizen by birth, however, for the past 16 years she has struggled to get assistance from the Department of Home Affairs with the documentation that she is entitled to. Mr. M Mhlanga- Researcher for Culture, Sport and Recreation . Although ordinary citizens may not submit bills to Parliament, they may lobby MPs or committees to introduce legislation that deals with their concerns. Subsequently Legislatures were required to customise the SOM to their respective unique circumstances; hence, we have the Mpumalanga Provincial Legislature Oversight Model (MPLOM) that was adopted in 2016 even though the principles of SOM were applied since its adoption. The Board approved the proposal and gave management the due date of 30 April 2018 to finalise the structure for implementation thereafter. This view assists in the better coordination of a committeeâs work and also improves the quality thereof. Portfolio Committees. » GIfA’s ManCom consists of the president; vice president; treasurer; vice-treasurer; governance officer; and government liaison. Manager: MR. ANDRIES MATSANE. There was a need to build links between the committees for the consideration of the annual reports. The Education Committee aims to enhance the growth of intellectual capital through platforms of Education for the profession. BUSINESSTECH / 21 MAY 2020 - 14.22 / STAFF REPORTER Parliament’s portfolio committee on Public Works and Infrastructure says that there is a need for legislation that will strengthen the transformation of the construction and built environment sectors of South Africa. Best viewed with screen resolution of 1280x1024. Learn more. The management complied with the due date of the Board, the structure has now been finalised and it is ready for implementation. 1.3 Portfolio Committee on Health; Social Development & Select Committee on Women, … The Legislative Sector adopted the Sector Oversight Model (SOM) in an effort to strengthen the oversight mandate of the Legislature. Arrange a tour; Attend A Debate; Directions; Contact Details; Featured Member. South Africa has a bicameral Parliament (two Houses) supported by a joint administration. Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC) Aesthetic Committee; Access To Information. The Management Committee. JTI supports the regulation of tobacco products, developed in accordance with the principles of proportionality, consistency, transparency and … The Sports, Arts and Culture Portfolio Committee is responsible for oversight of the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture as well as the following statutory entities: Boxing SA SA Institute for Drug Free Sport . Accordingly, the Organisational structure was then updated to reflect the reconfiguration of the committee support and also effected the allocation of support staff which was done as follows: Allocation of Management Support for Parliamentary Committees according to the Reconfigured structure, 1.1 Governance (Select Committees on Rules, Select Committee on Programming & Prioritization, Select Committee of Chairpersons and the NCOP function), Support Staff: Ms. NP Mbalo (NCOP - Cape Town), Ms. ND Khoza (Executive Secretary to Chairperson), 1.2 Portfolio Committee on Education; Culture, Sports & Recreation, Support Staff: Ms. MN Varda - Committee Coordinator, Mr. MS Mkhombo - Researcher for Education, Mr. M Mhlanga- Researcher for Culture, Sport and Recreation, Ms. C Koekemoer - Secretary to the Committee, 1.3 Portfolio Committee on Health; Social Development & Select Committee on Women, Youth, Children & People with Disabilities, Support Staff: Ms. TE Rambau - Committee Coordinator, Ms. N Msibi- Researcher for Social Development, Ms. MN Mbuyane - Secretary to the Committee, 1.4 Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements & CoGTA, Support Staff: Ms. GP Mkhwebu - Committee Coordinator, Ms. P Makhubela - Researcher for Human Settlements, Ms. LC Nyalunga - Secretary to the Committee, 2.1 Portfolio Committee on Finance; Economic Development, Support Staff: Ms. C Williams - Committee Coordinator, Mr. N Gwebu - Researcher for Economic Development, MEGA, MER, Ms. L Mohube â Researcher for Finance and MTPA, Ms. N Thulare- Secretary to the Committee, 2.2 Portfolio Committee on Agriculture; Public Works; Community Safety & Liaison, Support Staff: Ms. P Mahlangu - Committee Coordinator, Ms. ST Molema - Committee Coordinator for Public Works, Mr. P Maluka - Researcher for Agriculture, Ms. N Nzima - Researcher for Public Works, Ms. P Nxumalo - Researcher for Community Safety, Ms. N Themba - Secretary to the Committee (Agriculture), Ms. M Ndimande - Secretary to the Committee (Public Works), 2.3 Portfolio Committee on Premierâs Office; Legislature and Select Committee on Public Accounts (SCOPA), Support Staff: Ms. C Chiloane - Committee Coordinator, Mr. HK Moselakgomo - Committee Coordinator, Vacant - Researcher for Premier and Legislature, Ms. M Maseko - Secretary to the Committee, (SCOPA will be supported by all Committee Researchers), Effective date for the implementation of the structure. Clr S Nkomo (ANC); 5. The reviewed and aligned structure is implemented with immediate effect (piloted for perfection in the 6th Legislature) and management will put measures in place to ensure that there are no disruptions to the support of committees. Cyril Xaba from KwaZulu-Natal will chair the defence and military portfolio committee, while former public enterprises deputy minister Gratitude Magwanishe is the chairperson of the justice committee. Educators are returning to school today in preparation for schools reopening on 15 February 2021. Home » About GIFA. Visit Parliament. Mr Mzwanele Nyhontso National Assembly . Underperforming water boards from across the country will be explaining their recovery plans to the portfolio committee on water and sanitation, while the South African Human Rights … Document - A joint meeting of the portfolio committees on Trade and Industry and of International Relations heard that Africa consumes what it does not produce and produces what it … 1. Support Staff: Ms. MN Varda - Committee Coordinator. Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources 11 September 2017 State of mining in South Africa 0. The South African Medical Association welcomes the opportunity to submit comments on the NHI Bill on behalf of our membership of medical doctors working in public and private healthcare sectors in South Africa. Portfolio Committee On Transport. » 2 of 2000), to ensure transparency and accountability in … REPORT ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RECONFIGURED STRUCTURE FOR THE SUPPORT TO PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEES. The Portfolio Committee on Education in the Gauteng legislature is calling for investigations after the Gauteng Department of Education confirmed that over R431 million were spent on sanitising schools in the province between June and August 2020. Voice. You are here. We therefore wait for the final report on their fact finding mission, which we have been told will be published at the end of August. The role of Portfolio Committees is to: consider Bills, deal with departmental budget votes, oversee the work of … To give a progress report on the implementation of the reconfigured structure for the support to Parliamentary Committees. Portfolio Committees might deal with issues that fell within the ambit of the Committee on Public Accounts (SCOPA) mandate. Cell. The National Assembly (NA) appoints from among its members a number of Portfolio Committees to shadow the work of the various national government departments. Afrikaans Taal Monument. This committee can be contacted via the committee secretariat. Amazwi South African Museum of Literature. PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON FINANCE South African Revenue Service Pretoria Head Office 299 Bronkhorst Street Nieuw Muckleneuk, 0181 Private Bag X923, Pretoria, 0001 E-mail jdelarey@sars.gov.za Telephone (012) 422-4000 TAXATION OF FOREIGN DIVIDENDS 1 PURPOSE The purpose of this memo is to report on the discussions which took place between delegates from SARS, the Department of … Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans: Mr Vusumuzi Cyril Xaba: Joint Standing Committee on Defence: Mr Fikile Devilliers Xasa: Portfolio Committee on Environment, Forestry and Fisheries: Mr Mosebenzi Joseph Zwane: Portfolio Committee on Transport Email. Mr Gratitude Magwanishe (Chairperson) Adv Glynnis … Ms. C Koekemoer - Secretary to the Committee . Members of Parliament 33: Tourism, together with the Strategic Plans and Annual Performance Plans of the National Department of Tourism (Department) and the South African Tourism (SA Tourism) reports as follows: Introduction Committee Chairpersons. Tyhileka Madubela Tel: 021 403 3713/083 709 8401 Email: tmadubela@parliament.gov.za; Composition. JT International South Africa (Pty) Limited: Written Submissions to the Portfolio Committee on Health – Tobacco Products Control Amendment Bill 2008 7 4.3. The sitting will also consider two reports from the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Communications and two from the PC on Police. The management of the Legislature presented the proposal of the reconfiguration of the committeesâ support to the Legislature Service Board on its meeting of 7 March 2018. The Portfolio Committee on Basic Education will this week visit three provinces to assess school readiness for 2021 academic year.
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