eu4 mughal religion

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Just remember to preserve Zoroastrian so you can get 10% trade efficiency later. You can literally Ahura Mazda vult any country. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Though it does make your tolerance and religious unity modifier from NI less useful. The Mughals are a Sunni Hindavi Indian Sultanate located in the Hindustani region of the India subcontinent and Khorasan region of the Persia subcontinent, both in the Asia continent. for each percentage point of religious unity: for each percentage point of religious unity below 100%: Hungarian idea 7: Create the Estates General, Al-Haasa idea 2: Lord of the Bedouin of the East, Anhalt idea 3: Incorporation of the Bishopric, Asakura idea 6: Control of Buddhist Sects, Berg idea 7: Respecting the Autonomy of the Clergy, Cham idea 1: Memory of the My Son Temples, Chernihiv idea 6: Renovate the Transfiguration Cathedral, Cornish idea 3: Prayer Book Traditionalism, French ducal idea 4: Religious Conviction, Garhwali idea 6: Protecting the Land of the Gods, Hejazi idea 1: Custodian of the Two Holy Cities, Khorasani idea 6: Great Sheiks of Khorasan, Northumbrian idea 3: Cradle of British Christianity, Perugian idea 3: Meeting of the Five Conclaves, Rajputana idea 5: Protectors of the Dharma, Sami idea 5: Defend the Noaidi Traditions, Württemberger idea 5: Grosse Kirchenordnung, Croatian idea 4: Antemurale Christianitatis, Dhundhari idea 3: Restore Hindu Ceremonies, Genevan idea 4: Spiritual Leader of Geneva, Gujarati Princedom idea 5: Protect the Dwarkadhish Temple, Montenegrin idea 2: Metropolitanate of Montenegro, Muscovite idea 3: Seat of Metropolitan Bishop, Nepalese Princedom idea 3: Institute New Festivals, Prussian idea 1: Legacy of the Teutonic Knight, Ruthenian idea 7: Birth of Russian Orthodoxy, Sindhi idea 4: Expand the Makli Necropolis, Three Leagues idea 2: The League of God's House, Lusatian idea 6: Rights for all Religions, Transylvanian idea 5: Patent of Toleration, Alaskan idea 5: Alaskan Religious Diversity, Burgundian idea 6: Allow Freedom of Worship, East Frisian idea 5: Refuge of the Mennonites, French idea 7: Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité, Kurdish idea 2: Li Gora Gawirî Kurd Misilman e, Thüringian idea 3: Protector of Reformers, Golden Horde idea 7: Religious Pragmatism, Omani idea 3: Association With Unbelievers, Circassian idea 4: Franciscan Missionaries, Ethiopian idea 5: The Ark of the Covenant, Mushasha idea 2: Messianic Legacy of Muhammad bin Falah, Perugian idea 5: Heartbeat of Christianity, Teutonic idea 6: Promote Prussian Bishops, Tyrconnell idea 4: St Patrick's Purgatory, Byzantine idea 7: Restore the Ecumenical Patriarch, Divine idea 4: Let No Man Tolerate the Witch, Hindustani idea 6: Patronize Sufi Missionaries, Nuremberger idea 5: Franconian Centre of Reformation, Teutonic idea 4: Assume Religious Authority, Arabian idea 4: Spreading the Prophet's Word, Athenian idea 6: Preserve Archbishop of Athens, Religious-Aristocratic: The Witchcraft Act, Religious-Espionage: Enforce Religious Law, Religious-Trade: Religiously Sponsored Guilds, Bavarian idea 4: Establish the Geistlicher Rat, Colognian idea 5: Pivotal Ecclesiastic Territory, Ardabili idea 4: Conversion of the Masses, Mushasha idea 7: Sufis and Shias of the Middle East. Muslims owning a Sikh province may decide to convert to Sikhism - this decision probably mostly exists to allow Punjab to easily follow its historical religion. Countries that have the Indian Sultanate government by default, but are neither Muslim nor were forcefully converted to another religion, will quickly be forced to choose by event between conversion to the appropriate branch of Islam, or facing a large amount of rebels and a stability hit. But, the Mughal administration, written language, Shariat and culture were Persian or 100% Shia. It was perhaps the world's most civilised In 1608, William Hawkins, commander of the Hector, was sent to ask the Mughal Emperor about trade.. Mughal Agra also offers a business centre and a fitness centre. Without Mandate of Heaven, Japanese daimyos, but not the Shogun or Japan itself, may convert to Catholicism by decision if the majority of their territories are Catholic, which can happen following certain events in the 16th century. If you want to be ambitious, you … Some nations, for example Sweden, have unique events enabling them to change religion. At full funding the costs of an active missionary per month is calculated based on the development and local autonomy of the province as follows[9]: The following ideas reduce missionary maintenance cost: Base missionary strength is +2%. It just needs to have more development than any other religion which is present in the country,,, Articles with potentially outdated sections, Missionary maintenance cost for all fellow brethren in the faith, in states with enacted ‘Enforce Religious Unity’, with the trigered province modifiers ‘The Conquest of Bodh Gaya’ and ‘The Conquest of Jerusalem’. Additionally, positive tolerance of heretics and heathens allows those provinces to contribute to religious unity (see above). Mughal ideas are far better here, and it is not even remotely close. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa …. For most countries, giving in to religious rebels is the only way to change between religious groups. The possible maximum value is +3. Mughals One Faith in Dharma : eu4. Each country has 1 missionary by default. 121 votes, 31 comments. Sep 7, 2018. The Mughal Empire was a powerful Turco-Mongol Muslim state, founded in the early 16th century by Babur, a Timurid prince and descendant of Tamerlane. In EU3 and Napoleon's Ambition, it was implemented as country event that, when the preconditions were met, could be accepted or declined, but only once. The base value of tolerance of the true faith is +3, and there is no maximum value. A province is more likely to convert via event to a particular religion if a neighboring province has that religion. Missionary strength vs heretics is an additional modifier that affect missionary strength when converting heretics, but has no effect when converting heathens. Therefore, if your ally is Defender of the Faith and you have a common enemy of the "defended" religion, this ally will not be able to join you in an offensive war against this enemy, as AI wouldn't break a truce. I'd take this over Confucian as Mughals for sure. AI will always choose to convert. The most common way to convert provinces is the use of missionaries, but there are also several other methods. The player has some control over religion by having the option to change the state religion, send missionaries to convert heathen or heretic provinces to the state religion, and carry out religious decisions. Without an appropriate casus belli such as "Cleansing of Heresy" or "Religious Conformance" (unique to the Holy Roman Emperor against HRE members), this will have the same war score cost as annexing the nation. Kashmir to the north, and Hindu Kangra, Sirmur, G… If Defender of the Faith refuses a call to war, it gets a 5-years truce with the country that was calling. The Mughal (or Mogul) Empire ruled most of India and Pakistan in the 16th and 17th centuries. The command to play as Mughals in EU4 is: tag MUG. The cheat to add Mughals to your country's interest is: add_interest MU EU4 patch 1.15 NAXOS one faith, one tag catholic crusader AAR: Visit the crusaders! These tolerance values are national, but have provincial effects depending on the province's religion, relative to the state religion. However, the following conversions only occur if a neighboring province has the new religion: In addition, only Japanese-culture provinces can convert to Shinto as the result of an event. If you want to be ambitious, you can use Qara Qoyonlu's Coptic land to go Coptic. This generally only is the case if they have been released as a vassal or in a peace deal, which will likely make them Hindu initially, because Indian sultanates rarely convert the local religion, and indeed have no need to due to their large bonus to heathen tolerance. With the Star and Crescent DLC, Sunni and Shiite (but not Ibadi) Muslims may convert to the other denomination if both their capital and the majority of their province development follows the other denomination. Sort of a wash. This article is a stub. The following table details which religions are expanded by which DLC (in order of appearance). Religion Name Religion ID; Catholic: catholic: Protestant: protestant: Reformed: reformed: Orthodox: orthodox: Coptic: coptic: Sunni: sunni: Shia: shiite: Ibadi: ibadi: Theravada: buddhism: Vajrayana: vajrayana: Mahayana: mahayana: Confucian: confucianism: Shinto: shinto: Hindu: hinduism: Sikh: sikhism: Animist: animism: Fetishist: shamanism: Totemist: totemism: Inti: inti: Nahuatl: nahuatl: Mayan: mesoamerican_religion… Thus Animism must serve as a springboard to conversion to other pagan faiths. Countries automatically call the Defender of the Faith of their religion to arms if attacked by a nation of another religion. Note that at 100 war score, you can make the defeated opponent force convert you this way even if he wouldn't want that as part of a peace deal. Become a Tier 5 Defender of the Faith as a nation that is neither Catholic nor Sunni. +3 Tolera… Note that there are some national ideas which remove all penalties for having negative tolerance. Either by completing the Form Mughal Empire decision or by selecting the formed nation later in the timeline. Legitimacy helps other things besides unrest reduction. Florens (or ‘Florry’ as he’s known in the Europa Universalis sphere) is a sometimes-streamer, sometimes-waiter. Provinces with the "Religious Zeal" modifier will not receive these events at all. The effects of tolerance on religious unity per province are as follows: For example, suppose a Catholic country has a 10 development Catholic province, a 4 development Protestant province, and a 16 development Sunni province. A nation that is broken by religious rebels, or that accepts their demands, will convert to the rebels' religion provided that the rebels' religion is the plurality[10] religion in terms of development (the autonomy of the provinces or the number of provinces do not matter). Nations can support religious zealots in other countries. Please help with verifying or updating this section. For example, if the state religion group is Christian, provinces that are of Muslim, Eastern, or Pagan religious groups will use this tolerance value. Created by. Missionaries can't work in the same province that is being converted by a center of reformation. This refers to the state religion. The Defender of the Faith doesn't get a call to arms if the country attacked is a co-belligerent (e.g., if France is the Catholic Defender of the Faith and Venice (Catholic) is allied with Serbia (Orthodox), then if Ottomans (Sunni) attack Serbia and make Venice co-belligerent, France doesn't get a call to arms). Each start has the same basic requirements, the player needs to deal with the hordes, reclaim their cores and Westernise.. If they haven't changed it you can spam the "tributary CB" once you're Chinese emperor but just take land, and before that throw one claim then take everything for 0 DIP, which is pretty nice when humanism lets you sit at +3 heathen tolerance. Religion is also connected to unrest and provinces of non-tolerated religions are more rebellious. Missionaries slowly convert provinces over time: each month, the effective missionary strength in that province is added as ongoing progress, and when it reaches 100% the province is converted. A nation in the British region, typically England, can get an event, based on the wives of Henry VIII, to convert to Anglicanism with the Rule Britannia DLC. In Nomine has changed this unification to a decision. Permanent -1 diprep and the occasional advisor snuffing from low Karma might be worth a higher-AE equivalent of deus vult (plus the monarch points off making actual tributaries). Mughals is a formable nation in Europa Universalis IV. /Europa Universalis IV/common/static_modifiers/00_static_modifiers.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/common/defender_of_faith/00_defender_of_faith.txt, the new religion doesn't need 50% of the development. This command's syntax is as follows: change_religion [Province ID] [Religion ID] You'll need to replace [Province ID] with the ID of the province you wish to change the religion … This refers to religions of other religious groups. Since EU4 first came out many of its featured religions have been further developed and fleshed out with unique mechanics. Each center of reformation can only convert one province at a time. Sikhs can also convert to Sunni or Shia Islam this way. You should keep in mind these Triggers to optimize your religious conversion. Provinces of a heretic or heathen religion contribute a percentage determined by how tolerated they are. He is a leader of one of three Indian nations. Will help you conquer via vassal feeding. See, For Catholic nations intending to convert to Protestant or Reformed, consider driving relations with the Pope down to enact. An additional penalty for declining is a -2 point hit to diplomatic reputation: -1 from "Dishonorable Defender of the Faith" and -1 from "Dishonored Alliance" (this last penalty will occur whether allied or not to the same religion defender). #1. The base value of tolerance of heretics is −2. If heretic, this gives +50 liberty desire, and if heathen +100 liberty desire, both gradually ticking down. The possible maximum value is +3. Even with humanist ideas, the unrest reduction helps. During the Mughal and Afghan persecution of the Sikhs during the 17th and 18th centuries, the latter were concerned with preserving their religion and gave little thought to art and culture. With Mandate of Heaven, the Open outcome for the Ikko - Ikki, Neo-Confucianism, and Spread of Christianity Incidents will unlock a decision to convert to Mahayana, Confucianism, and Catholic respectively. Being Defender of the Faith gives the following modifiers (without Emperor): Additionally, all other countries of the same religion get a +10 “Defender of Faith” relations boost with the title holder. So you can get all the bonuses. Mughal: Unrest -1%. Do not go Buddhist, it's trash for a country that should be starting wars as often as the Mughals. Ideas and policies that affect Tolerance of heathens: Each Christian or Muslim denomination can have one Defender of the Faith. With that, nations that are challenged with large numbers of wrong-religion provinces will have to choose between converting them or tolerating them, and with the 1.26 update the main way of tolerating them as a large nation is to use the Humanist, Several Triggers for Religions give bonuses or penalties. The religion of a nation will confer specific benefits, enable different mechanics, and affect diplomatic actions as nations of mutually accepted religions have a better chance of reaching agreements with one another. If you flip Confucian later on you're going to struggle to generate enough harmony to harmonise everything in time I think. Alrighty sounds like ill be going with sunni until i grab confucian lands. The unification of the Mughal Empire works differently in different versions of the game. In the game Jainism starts as a major religion in India, but gradually declines into a minority religion in later starts. There are several different ways a country may change religion. The religion that a nation follows and how tolerant it is of other faiths is an important aspect of gameplay in EUIV.

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