double commas in a sentence
Here are some clues to help you decide whether the sentence element is essential: John Smith, a member of the jury, agreed with the verdict. Commas provide clarity, particularly in sentences that contain several different elements. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. That said, in this particular case, law firm and official usage is what counts. Word does not approve, but the sentence is grammatical, if a bit awkward. Commas and dashes are for setting off clauses that, while not vital to the meaning, serve to provide a fuller picture. The comma is one of the most commonly used punctuation marks in English. to a prospective purchaser. Examples of Double Entendre in a sentence A joke was fashioned from the use of a double entendre by mistaking a pirate’s treasure of booty with a body part. Although these doubled words are correct, consider rewording your sentence if the repeated words bother you. punctuating more than one sentence within em dashes and parentheses midsentence. In Version 1, you let a comma stand between "the U.S. Securities Act of 1933" and "as amended," inviting confusion as to whether "('the Act')" refers to the eight preceding words or only to the two following the comma. 1. More clear is the example about your house. Can you please tell me which one you think is correct? Remember to stick with whatever (double or single inverted commas) you’ve chosen, so that your writing is consistent throughout. John Smith, a member of the jury, agreed with the verdict. No commas imply that the … What software will allow me to combine two images? They are also used sometimes, in fiction, to denote text that is heard through a telephone or other device. Don’t switch back and forth in the same document between using the Oxford comma and not using it. Parentheses are used for digressions - things that could be completely removed without affecting the meaning. = We're eating with Albert. If I ask my doctor to order a blood test, can they refuse? Commas around a name or title indicate that it is NOT essential to the meaning of a sentence – the sentence will make sense in context without it. "The first example - the one about the fox - is the more valid one". (Nitpick: the plural of 'parenthesis' is 'parentheses'.). "According to" is not a good choice here for SEC filings. “Securities Act”), provides an exemption from the registration This is just boilerplate and shouldn't be generalized. which govern the creation of the prospectus. Sci-Fi book where aliens are sending sub-light bombs to destroy planets, protagonist has imprinted memories and behaviours. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Is it impolite to not reply back during the weekend? Update: Use commas to separate two or more coordinate adjectives that describe the same noun. requirements of the Securities Act for certain cross-border exchange Your final version (with an extra comma) looks very wrong to me. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Here are some examples: However, she didn’t love him back. (Psychologist Peter A. Levine) When used as a parenthesis, "however" will be in the middle or at the end of a clause. also, without punctuation, the sentence reads like you're describing Tom Wilson as suspect, rather than, I agree. We use commas while combining multiple phrases in one sentence or writing about different items in a list. From the following ladeedah law firm: Posted by Nicholas Grabar, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, on Saturday, January 16, 2016, Rule 802 under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the Term for a technique intended to draw criticism to an opposing view by emphatically overstating that view as your own. How to find the intervals in which a function is positive? However, if we define this as "the Act", where do we put the definition in parenthesis? The suspect (Tom Wilson) is now being charged with murder. The first example, the one about the fox, is the more valid one. hmm, you are probably right. Commas are often used to enclose parenthetical words and phrases within a sentence (i.e., information that is not essential to the meaning of the sentence). Comma rules can be confusing. Such phrases are both preceded and followed by a comma, unless that would result in a doubling of punctuation marks or the parenthetical is at the start or end of the sentence. Confused by her sister’s sudden change in mood, Jill stayed quiet. Get a clear picture of when to use commas by exploring their usage through examples. Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab has an excellent section o… In other words, what's between parenthesis can be ignored without jeopardizing the meaning. Because you have included only an extract from the relevant sentence, it is not clear what the second comma is separating, which, in turn, would affect it's placement. (Guideline: Use a pair of commas to set off nonessential words, phrases, or clauses—also called nonrestrictive elements—that interrupt a sentence.) Punctuation of abbreviation followed by parenthesis. How to punctuate a sentence with post-nominal letters followed by a parenthetical fragment? Use a pair of commas in the middle of a sentence to set off clauses, phrases, and words that are not essential to the meaning of the sentence. I realize that the first example, the one that uses parentheses, is probably more valid in this case (if anyone has a better example, please include it), but when, if ever, would you favor parentheses? I realize that dashes are sometimes used for similar situations, so I'd appreciate information on these as well. Using a Comma After "However" Bear in mind that "however" has two meanings. The exclamation point is the most valuable punctuation mark you have in your arsenal, but it's also the most dangerous. Of your examples, I'd use a comma for these: I'm not sure about this one, but I'd lean toward commas: I'd almost certainly use parentheses for this one, or at best dashes. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. I can tell you now that Version 1 is the one I see everywhere, but to me Version 2 makes more sense. What does Mazer Rackham (Ender's Game) mean when he says that the only teacher is the enemy? How can you make an armor that when you wear it, it will give you resistance 255? When to choose em dash over parenthesis for parenthetical phrases? Simone LeVoid, who has never voted in her life, is running for the post of county commissioner. ( Guideline: Use a comma after a phrase or clause that precedes the subject of the sentence.) In place of either of those versions, I would recommend this one: Version 3: "according to the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 as amended ('the Act'), the Securities....". Let's eat Albert. When determining how best to punctuate a sentence, there are a few rules or guidelines that should be followed: Rule 1: If the sentence starts with an introductory element, a comma should come after that element. How to find the intervals in which a function is positive? )Just be consistent. "My house, which is adjacent to another house, (the 'House') is nice" is wrong because, as you say, "(the 'House')" goes with "another house". I've always felt like parenthesis should be used to provide details which are not "directly" related to the meaning of the sentence. You can overlook the double commas rule here, though I don't think that's even a rule that is set in stone in the first place (I've never heard of it). It only takes a minute to sign up. Thanks for contributing an answer to English Language & Usage Stack Exchange! The example I learned from: "The children, who are wearing shoes, will go on the trip" versus "The children who are wearing shoes will go on the trip"; the first means that all the children are wearing shoes, and all will go, while the second means that only the children who are wearing shoes will go. On a scale from Optimist to Pessimist, what would be exactly in the middle? So, you think that there's no difference between parenthesis and double commas in this case? The use of quotation marks, also called inverted commas, is very slightly complicated by the fact that there are two types: single quotes (` ') and double quotes (" "). parenthesis or commas). I am working with legal texts a lot and I was wondering about the following phrase that will show up in most US related prospectuses: "according to the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, the Securities....". If there's a quotation within the double quotes, use single quotes. Where to put the periods when using a parenthetical sentence? (Law firm: David Polk), Some law firms etc. rev 2021.3.17.38813, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, English Language & Usage Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. Is there any risk when plugging one's own headphones in an airplane's headphone plug? I'll chime in with RegDwight. The OP did not provide a full sentence so the discussion is not moot. This isn't a call-out which requires the reader to comply with the Act. The same would be in the case of "XYZ Inc., a company organized under the laws of India and with registration number 123456 in the local trade registry, (the 'Entity') is ...." If I place the definition on the wrong side of the comma, I am defining the registry instead of XYZ Inc. Because your legal example is a sentence fragment, it's hard to be sure. Two commas in a sentence don't necessairily mean that the material between those two commas are purely an aside - as eventhorizon says, it's there to aid the understanding and flow of the line. The children (who are wearing shoes) will go on the trip. John Smith (a member of the jury) agreed with the verdict. Defining inductive types in intensional type theory purely in terms of type-theoretic data. pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, A comma (,) is a punctuationmark that is frequently used in sentences. Please assume that these two options are the only options available to me. Commas are used to separate a sentence’s elements, to connect independent clauses, to avoid confusion, and much more. Commas don't just signify pauses in a sentence — precise rules govern when to use this punctuation mark. In Version 1, you let a comma stand between "the U.S. Securities Act of 1933" and "as amended," inviting confusion as to whether " ('the Act')" refers to the eight preceding words or only to the two following the comma. What effect does closing a lid in some recipe do? We have them all listed here along with fun examples and notes for you. It should be offset with commas. It merely identifies the regs. The sentence is correct with or without the comma before and. and what is the point of punctuation if not to make the author's meaning easier to grasp? The same rules apply for titles. Comma after a coordinating conjunction preceding a parenthetical at the start of the sentence. The first example, the one about the fox, is the more valid one. If yes, I think double commas are more appropriate. What might cause evolution to produce bioluminescence in almost every lifeforms on a alien planet? Click to find out more! Neither of the two versions that you offer as ways of dealing with the specific situation you ask about—. Alternative: pursuant to. As you can see, deciding which punctuation is appropriate is rather subjective. There was a time when this sentence would be punctuated exactly this way. "under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the Securities Act)," [rest of sentence]. In fact, the comma is one of the most important and commonly used types of punctuation. They also let us connect words, phrases, and clauses together to make longer sentences. In the former case, personally I agree with your analysis - but I'm British, and I think that American English (AmE) sometimes views the placement of commas differently from BrE. "My house, which is adjacent to another house (the 'House'), is nice". It does not, however, have to be a life sentence. issuer that is not an SEC reporting company or exempt from reporting I think there is, I was merely commenting on your second paragraph rather than the first one. What crime is hiring someone to kill you and then killing the hitman? rev 2021.3.17.38813, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, English Language & Usage Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. The car is … In the particular case where a writer is introducing a parenthetical short form of a longer string of words, including intervening punctuation (here, commas) is an encumbrance to clarity and coherence— Finally, one also sees: the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, [etc.]. Bob said, "The rule I live by is, 'Never say "no" to a friend.' I really have a hard time understanding these old question that come up and downvotes from people who are clueless, especially when links to actual usage are provided from authoritative sources: The actual amendments to an act from the US government and Harvard Law. "Suspect Tom Wilson..." even more heavily implies there is potentially more than one suspect. Why are some item numbers missing in ICAO flight plans? Design considerations when combining multiple DC DC converter with the same input, but different output. When an adverbial phrase begins a sentence, it’s often followed by a … Is exposing regex in error response to end user bad practice? Supervisor who accepted me for a research internship could not recognize me. The rule is this: a pair of bracketing commas is used to mark off a weak interruption of the sentence — that is, an interruption which does not disturb the smooth flow of the sentence. Using Commas to Separate a Sentence’s Elements. It only takes a minute to sign up. Adding a comma can change the meaning of a sentence. in accordance with GAAP or IFRS but which need not be audited or Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. In this sentence you could use a comma, a dash, or a colon: The new suspect was Aardvark’s best friend: Squiggly. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. The required information includes, among I don't know the answer, I was just hoping to give you more to think about, hopefully making it easier to come to a conclusion. When to use brackets. Be sure never to add an extra comma between the final adjective and the noun itself or to use commas with non-coordinate adjectives. It is non-negotiable. as in your other example, or I would have commas on both sides to match the natural pauses you would include when speaking the sentence aloud: "My house, which is adjacent to another house, (the 'House'), is nice", Part of the problem here, I think, is that you are using an extremely abbreviated form of the parenthetical idea intended: "(the Act)" is short for "(hereinafter referred to as 'the Act')." Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The suspect (Tom Wilson) is now being charged with murder. Punctuation is one component of writing that people seldom think about or notice — except when it is wrong. Version 2 is even worse, allowing two commas to clutter the expression that is to be shortened. the issuance of securities. If it were a call-out involving the readers compliance, it would have to be handled differently. Are commas and dashes truly interchangeable? Could the observable universe be bigger than the universe? Information delivery requirement—For resales of securities of an For your first example (Tom Wilsons), I think it depends more on the context: In the current text, are they more than one suspect? At first glance the above style seems odd; yet it is used by major law firms and in SEC filings. Is it meaningful to define the Dirac delta function as infinity at zero? Note that word `pair': bracketing commas, in principle at least, always occur in pairs, though sometimes one of them is not written, as explained below. Even if the element is short, a comma should still follow it. On the other hand, it might be best to wait until next week. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. If I ask my doctor to order a blood test, can they refuse? Punctuation in Sentences – How to Use It Correctly. Another example is “By the time I thought of it, it was too late.” In this case, you can put a comma between the “it”s to make the sentence easier to follow. :), Parentheses vs. double commas vs. dashes to provide additional detail, Using a dash, parenthesis, and comma (weird example), Proper way to introduce a term by two names in writing, Using em-dash instead of parentheses and commas, Usage of commas around book and poem titles. What effect does closing a lid in some recipe do? Is the second comma (i) merely paired with the first comma (either side of "as amended"); or (2) is it terminating the entire clause "according to ..."? The children—who are wearing shoes—will go on the trip, The children, who are wearing shoes, will go on the trip, The children (who are wearing shoes) will go on the trip.
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