dofe expedition planning

Mar 14, 2021   |   by   |   Uncategorized  |  No Comments

By continuing to use our website without changing the settings, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Planning the expedition. Cycle across Wales for your DofE Expedition. Centres need a system for storing, maintaining and allocating expedition equipment. Expeditions will usually take place between the end of March and the end of October. Whether you already have a DofE expedition programme in place or are considering starting one, we can help. Complete plans by deadlines and pass two expeditions i.e. Working together, you will save time and it gives you all the chance to split the hard work of cooking and any costs between you. The environment should be appropriate to the DofE level (Bronze, Silver or Gold) and ability of the group. Here are some great tips for healthy eating on expeditions to share with DofE participants, by Nutritionist Jane McClenaghan. Simply let us know your preferred date. They will then start Qualifying planning. Tent (Individual tents) during Covid. You will spend 10 days and 10 nights on board completing your Training, Practice and Qualifying modules. This can be delivered at your location or in a residential environment and covers all aspects of the Expedition Training Framework as laid down by the DofE. Please contact the office if you require just the practice or qualifying expedition for the price or visit our store for more information. Organisation of itineraries, venues, pick-ups & drop-off’s. Whats Included . Go. Route planning and pre-expedition checks will take place indoors, the day before the start of your expedition. The SEE Team provides opportunities for Ex plorer Scouts to take part in expeditions for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and matching Top Awards.. Expedition seasons The ‘expedition season’ runs from March – End October. To meet your expedition aim you need to plan, prepare and cook a meal as a group but outdoor food packs are great for breakfast or when journeying. For the many of us being out on expedition is what we are live for and is often the section of DofE that we enjoy the most. He’s undertaken numerous expeditions around the world – to Afghanistan, North and South Sudan, Somalia, Libya, Mali and parts of Africa and the Middle East – so knows how to plan and prepare for a real adventure. How to fit your rucksack.. Training day presentation file - emergency procedures and 1st Aid.. A kit check is usually done the day before we go on expedition.. Camp food suggestions - needs to be light and high in calories.. Preparations are based on the DofE's "20 conditions".The expedition also needs an expedition aim, further ideas for Silver and Gold here. Email back medical consent form and Terms & conditions document. EXPEDITION ® Programme planner: Expedition section What is this programme planner for? (Ref: DofE Information for young people – The adventure starts here, so let’s get going…..) Ideas – Check out: dofe-programme-ideas-volunteering. If you are planning for an expedition to take place before the end of the expedition season on 31st October 2020 or you have plans for young people to take part in a residential Top awards like the Queen’s Scout Award and the DofE’s Award offer many young people the opportunity to not only develop skills for life but also add some valuable experience to CVs or university applications. Bronze, silver or gold; walk, canoe or cycle we will tailor a comprehensive programme of training, practice and qualifying expeditions for your groups. Your DofE expedition food should be compact and easy to carry. If you are moving on from Bronze to Silver or Gold I hope the following advice will be useful too. Gold U6 award leaders: meet 4.00pm concert hall… The aim of the Expedition section: to inspire young people to develop initiative and a spirit of adventure and discovery, by planning, training for and completing an adventurous self-sufficient journey, as part of a team. Gold groups will get similar instructions from their expedition provider. Planning your DofE Expedition Food can be confusing if you haven’t done it before. It needs to be high in slow-release energy, which will help you throughout your expedition. What you'll need You can burn 3,000-5,000 kcals a day on an expedition, so it is essential for you to pack enough of the right foods to fuel yourself well to keep your energy levels up. Information about the kit and equipment required for DofE expeditions. A handy double-sided A4 handout to support students completing their DofE route cards. ... DofE Website. Baden Powell Scout Peak Expedition – Nepal 2021. Use of the best group equipment available. “Finally recovered and unpacked after an amazing week in the Brecon Beacons. A typical silver expedition package consist of 1 days training and route planning with a two day practice and three day qualifying expedition and will cost £300.00 per person. Vessel Tracking find out our current position. Camp Fires; How to Pack a Rucksack; Kit Packing Lists; Boots and Feet; How to Sleep Warm; Equipment and Food Discounts; DofE 20 Expedition Conditions 2019; DofE Equipment Guide; Stove Safety Instructions; Expedition Meal Planning; How to send an emergency text message. Emergency basecamp backup throughout the expedition. Trangia and fuel(1 per person) during Covid. read your expedition paperwork and check you can attend the training day, route planning and expedition sessions; Email at your chosen expedition date to request expedition forms and complete them. The aim can be set by the Leader at Bronze level only. Pastoral supervision on camp. Silver students must finish their Bronze to start Silver. Expedition Planning. The Adventure Element provide friendly and professionally delivered Gold expeditions for all young people. The DEADLINE to finish all your expedition planning is in March. By continuing to use our website without changing the settings, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. The team must plan and organise the expedition; all members of the team should be able to describe the role they have played in planning. Expedition Training Frameworks for all modes of travel. DofE Expedition presentation at your school to introduce the expedition section. There are over 70 cards with different common food types taken on expeditions. All destinations are designed to be challenging for participants but stress-free to arrange for leaders. These Course Notes are used to complement the lessons that we deliver for The Duke of Edinburgh's Award expedition section. The Expedition section, unsurprisingly, requires young people complete an expedition. DofE Expeditions. The expedition must have an aim. Gold groups will get similar instructions from their expedition provider. Expedition downloads for food and cooking. ... section. Rightly to ensure we instigate social distancing and keep communities safe. DofE Expedition E-Learning Package. – DofE Expedition Session Plan – planning expeditions, – Information on DofE Expedition Areas (wild country), – Routecard (Excel version) – from AAP Lupine Adventure, – DofE Route Card Master – water activities, – DofE water-based expeditions Route Card, – Pictorial Route Card example (additional needs), – Route Card Black & White (additional needs), – Information about Expeditions – ‘widgit’ format, We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our site. 2.Complete the whole expedition! You will have been in the midst of planning DofE expeditions and training expeditions for your school pupils or group members when overnight everything has been put on hold! training and qualifying. Please contact the office on 01475 722722 or at for more details. Either 1-day Expedition Simulation or 2-day Practice Expedition. Each DofE centre will need to follow the specific guidance and rules for their sector, and their own local policies and procedures, when planning expeditions. At A to Z Expeditions we take the pressure off school DofE co-ordinators by planning and delivering tailored expeditions for their students. The environment should be appropriate to the DofE level (Bronze, Silver or Gold) and ability of the group. Bright Expeditions, Planning and Delivering DofE Expeditions. No, I want to find out more, Expedition downloads: Navigation and route planning, Expedition downloads: Campcraft, equipment and hygiene, Expedition downloads: Countryside, Highway and Watersports Codes, Expedition downloads: First aid and emergency procedures, Expedition downloads: General information and administration, Expedition downloads: Observation and recording, Expedition downloads: Proficiency in mode of travel, Expedition downloads: Risk, plus health and safety, DofE Expedition Session Plan – planning expeditions, Information on DofE Expedition Areas (wild country), Routecard (Excel version) – from AAP Lupine Adventure, DofE Route Card Master – water activities, Pictorial Route Card example (additional needs), Route Card Black & White (additional needs), Information about Expeditions – ‘widgit’ format, The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award. Bronze groups will be guided through the planning below by their Award Leader.Silver groups will need to follow the instructions below with staff and then independently. Gallery. Tents, stoves, maps & groups emergency equipment We will tailor-make a programme of cycle training and expeditions for groups of 10 or more participants. Expedition Training & Practice Expedition Route Planning. We also run a range of open DofE expeditions for individuals and small groups.. We work closely with DofE head office and DofE Operating Authorities across the country to ensure our programmes fulfil the DofE Expedition Requirements (20 conditions). The DEADLINE to finish all your expedition planning is in March. You must follow the restrictions in place in the country you intend to visit. Please look through the information available, and use the Contact form if you would like to make any suggestions, find out more, or volunteer with the team. For help and support either see your DofE Route planning Day 2/3/4: Qualifying Expedition . The course will provide a series of exercises and activities designed to promote skills in the outdoors. Record it – Check out: activity_log_volunteering. EXPEDITION PREPARATION AND PLANNING – PART ONE. A 12 week course designed and provided by Perth and Kinross DofE Association suitable for the Bronze, Silver and Gold sectional certificate.. Camp site fees. The DofE Silver Qualifying Expedition will involve being observed using remote supervision and will be assessed by one of our DofE accredited assessors. This sheet will help you to plan your DofE programme for the Expedition section. Resources to help inform and train participants about expedition First Aid. Our sister site for ALL your medical training, support and consultancy needs. DofE Training / Practice Expeditions 2021 SUMMER HALF TERM 2021 1st June […] With over 20 years’ experience, Bright Expeditions are specialist providers of DofE expedition programmes and outdoor activities for individuals and groups in the UK. Expedition Information. Plan it – Check out: programme-planner-volunteering. Click here to find out where our vessels are currently sailing. as a result achieve the 2020 DofE Certificate of Achievement and completed the Award and can move on to the next section. Bright Expeditions, Planning and Delivering DofE Expeditions. I have put together a few thoughts to help and some questions to ask yourself to help in your planning. Guidance for centres in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland will vary. They may take … For the many of us being out on expedition is what we are live for and is often the section of DofE that we enjoy the most. We offer a range of adventurous locations that are different and focus on balancing time and cost. The Duke Of Edinburgh’s Award Hill Walking and Expedition Planning This Handbook is an aid to training young people to prepare them for hill walking. EXPEDITION PREPARATION AND PLANNING – PART ONE There are many different ways we can plan for our DofE expeditions and this article highlights one of the more traditional methods; using route cards. Our Open Expedition Programmes in either the Peak District or Lake District are ideal for those who are not able to attend their own groups or schools expedition dates. They can do it in the UK or abroad. Expedition route cards for all modes of travel, resources for additional needs and Ordnance Survey learning tools.

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