can a parent be an assessor for dofe
For these sections you’ll choose your Assessors, for example, asking your swimming coach to be your Assessor so you can do your physical section. The DofE is… Your DofE programme is a real adventure. If you cannot see a 'Request re-accreditation' button, it can be activated by updating your Assessor Directory preferences. Offers, prices and stock change frequently so shop around to get the best deal for you. You’ll be invited to join a study group of up to 16 other young people, who will all be completing the same recipes and skills activities over the next 3 months. Should you have any issues, please don't hesitate to email us at When it has been approved you will see it appear in your Evidence folder in eDofE. Having said that a DofE assessor should also hold the outdoor qualifications or experience appropriate to the environment that the group is going on expedition. Assessors cannot be direct family members, DofE are encouraging participant to add as much evidence as they can to their eDofe accounts/DofE Apps and keeping logs. However, Assessors MUST be independent. Your child will receive a personalised DofE Card when they start their Award. a friend? What activities can I do for Volunteering? DofE bronze skills section; where do i find an assessor? By continuing to use our website without changing the settings, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. In cer-tain circumstances, they can be completed on assessor cards. Finding an appropriate assessor for unusual skills can be difficult and might limit your choice of skill… so think early…WHO can I ask to assess me? They must be a person who can verify you involvement in an activity and your progression over the course of your Award. Please do NOT start activities until you have gone through the instructions above with your assessor, structured your activity and agreed everything. They will produce or sign off the relevant Assessor’s report for that section, which is uploaded into eDofE.. An Assessor can be anyone who is interested in helping you to achieve, has some knowledge of the activity you are doing and can be available over the time you’re doing it. This information, along with comments from the Assessor, should be recorded on the Assessor’s report which can be submitted online. Find out more at 5. Keep evidence as a … Adults. If you are struggling to find Assessors, talk to Mr Lambert. Parents cannot be Assessors. If the report is sent to the participant, they would need to copy the email and enter it into eDofE as a text file and mark it as an Assessor's Report, before saving and submitting it. Asking an adult to be your assessor is critical to start your DofE properly. A parent/guardian can liaise with you to assist in verifying the Participant’s progress with their Section. Learning to connect with mentors (in the form of Assessors) is an important skill for the Award and for life. Assistance can be sought from the RCT DofE Coordinator in person, at school, during these times: DofE club at KSHS on a Wednesday morning break and lunchtime in the DofE office in The House; at Carre’s on Thursday morning break and lunchtime in the LRC; or on a Wednesday afternoon during the 6th Form enrichment time in the DofE office in The House at KSHS. If you're in England, Wales, the Channel Islands or part of British Scouting Overseas, please complete the DofE Assessor Affiliation form. For example if a group is going on expedition over 600m then their assessor should obtain the summer mountain leader. Please do this for the Volunteering, Physical and Skill sections. Ask them if they can be your assessor by saying “Please will you be my DofE Assessor for XYZ skill?”. The guidance from DofE is: Contact your Assessor for each section for ideas on how you can continue your activity away from your usual sessions, or at home. DofE Leader to approve. Remember to use the app or log on to your eDofE account to check if you have any messages. This activity must be recorded on an activity log (found on the section pages) and then on the eDofE system to which they will have access. Parents should not be your assessors. They will need support and encouragement to attend weekly after school expedition training and complete at least one hour of DofE section activity per week. Ask them if they can be your assessor by saying “Please will you be my DofE Assessor for XYZ skill?”. ), talk to them about your activity goals to structure what you are doing: discuss your targets, times and dates. Volunteering, Physical and Skill sections can take place at home/with family. Reports MUST include the dates, contact details for your Assessor, and some comments about how you got on with the activity. DofE leadership can also be used as a volunteering activity as part of the Volunteering section. If they happen to have written something else which fulfils the criteria (see below) e.g. It cannot be a family member. Checklist: Returning home during an Expedition or Residential experience Readiness levels across UK Scouts See the readiness levels in … Assessor-cards-BRONZE-ENGLISH copy. Each section needs an Assessor. From the local football club coach to a charity shop manager, just about anyone can be an Assessor for the Volunteering, Physical and Skills sections. My DofE didn't get accepted, what do I do now?!! To become an accredited assessor, the following e-learning modules will need to be completed: e-Induction; Introduction to the Expedition Section & Roles ; Once you've completed the modules, a letter of completion will be emailed to you which you must send to the course organiser before you attend the EASTC; The e-learning modules can be found here; 3. An Assessor is someone who helps a participant set challenging and realistic goals for their activity, provides guidance, gives feedback, and verifies the activity has been completed. Assessors can submit an assessor's report via the Assessor's Report portal. Expedition Assessor– Ensures DofE expedition requirements are met (this role can be combined with the other roles) Centre Coordinator– Runs a DofE Centre. We recommend that students check with the DofE leaders at St John’s before commencing any activities which may not qualify under DofE regulations. An Assessor can be anyone who is interested in helping you to achieve, has some knowledge of the activity you are doing and can be available over the time you’re doing it. Assessor's Report Portal. Receive approval from the appropriate Commissioner and Executive Committee to run any part of the DofE programme, including residential experiences and expeditions. Should you have any issues, please don't hesitate to email us at Assessor reports are completed online by the Assessor. This gives at least 10% off at our recommended retailers, helping you save on expedition kit and other items needed for their DofE. I was thinking I could code a small video game or make a short stop motion animation, but I'd be doing all this at home independently, so who should my assessor be? Remind them to keep gathering their evidence, e.g. Assessors can submit an assessor's report via the Assessor's Report portal . You’ll need to hold the role of ‘County Duke of Edinburgh Assessor’ on GO and complete A Safe Space training levels one, two and three.. FAQs Can a family member - such as a parent - be an Assessor? In addition each organisation will undertake appropriate safeguarding checks of all adults working with young people. 6. Therefore, they CANNOT be a member of your family. What to do if you can’t get your assessor to write a report. Checklist: Returning home during an Expedition or Residential experience Unfortunately, if you proceed with an activity without securing an assessor then you may not be able to pass the section. What discount can I get with my DofE Card and Digital DofE Card? Once you have completed all the boxes please click ‘Submit for approval’. Bronze DofE award help Your DofE Card is ready to use as soon as you receive it. Talk to your Assessor about your activity by discussing start and finish dates, time commitment and goals. Where to get advice from. It’s personal: Help ensure that the activity choices they find are exciting, but realistic for your budget, transport and local facilities. Submit Assessor’s Report Before you start anything: find a *suitable adult (sorry, not parents) and ask them to be your ASSESSOR. Please note that when selecting someone who is going to support and assess you, this person should ideally not be a parent or family member. If you’d like to become a DofE assessor for Girlguiding take a look at the training for DofE leaders for more information on how to do this. The Assessor can be anyone who knows about or organises the activity. If they agree to be your assessor, then… Talk to them to agree dates, times and goals. As an Assessor you can add your report directly into the participant’s online eDofE account here. This video provides DofE Assessor's with information on how to complete a report. If you volunteer, we’ll make sure you undergo the right safeguarding checks and are supported with high quality training. You might also upload you log of when you did your activity, though this is not essential. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our site. The programme is introduced to students during assemblies and interested Year 9 students and parents can access our virtual introductions on this page to find out more about how the DofE programme works and what the costs are. No, I want to find out more, The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award. Be an Assessor You could be an Assessor and support young people doing their DofE who want to use a specialist skill or interest that you might have as an activity for their DofE. Key dates are on the back of this booklet.
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