bayside council second story setback

Mar 14, 2021   |   by   |   Uncategorized  |  No Comments

Find your VIC local community services, pay rates and fines, apply for permits and more. allowed in any wall that is located on a zero setback from the property line. No hearing: AUP: ZP2019-0019: 1823 Delaware: 01-28-19: Allison Riemer 102 • Because the house on the right already has built a two story addition close to the property line and without windows (see photo below), the applicant’s second story addition with a similar five foot setback will have limited impact 15 feet and the south side yard setback from 7 feet to 2 feet to construct a second story addition to a single family dwelling for property located at 915 Woodland Avenue, S.E., fronting 45 feet on the west side of Woodland Avenue and beginning 120 feet from the Bayside, like Houston, has land-use and affordable housing issues to deal with after the storm. By and keeping the footprint the same due to the distance between the subject residence and those on … 2. Crossings up to 4.8m wide will only be The existing first and second story does not conform to the current maximum front yard setback of ten feet. However, as the second story is developed, a second level balcony will wrap around the north side and extend to the stairwell on the east side of the structure. Side yard setback including second story setback requirement. Both the first floor side and rear setbacks are proposed to remain at the existing dimensions, with the proposed second floor addition to meet the Section 2: Approval of Variation to Build a Second StOry Addition To Single Family Home with a Six (6) Foot Setback from the Facade of the Building. where a minimum 5’ side yard setback is required by Zoning Code Section 17.102.030. consider a reduced side yard setback for a second-story addition where a minimum 6-foot setback is required. The side and rear setbacks required by the policy determine the location of houses and ancillary outbuildings (for example, sheds and garages) on a residential lot. Site and Architectural Review Permit to allow a 285 square-foot second floor addition to an existing 3,339 square-foot two-story singlefamily home - ith a floor area ratio exceeding 45% (4w % 8.6 proposed) and a minimum side setback o5-feetf where a ±10-foot side setback would otherwise be V‐12‐ 174 Application of John Hogan for a variance to reduce the west side yard setback from 7 feet to 1 foot for a second story addition to an existing single family residence. Per Section 134-419, a variance to allow an expansion of an existing The existintwo-g car garage to be converted into a new, attached 798 square-foot two-bedroom, one-bathroom two-story accessory dwelling unit at the rear. Preserve neighborhood character. Bayside Council acknowledges the Traditional custodians – the Gadigal/Bidjigal people of the Eora Nation. The City Attorney directed staff that a Variance is required to address the second story restriction from the original approval and to clarify its intent, even if the addition complies with the requir ed setbacks. The two story garage is compatible with the neighborhood, as there is a mix of one and two story homes within the vicinity. 1300 581 299 or +61 2 9562 1666; 1300 581 299 or +61 2 9562 1666; 10. of 71% on the second floor in lieu of the 57% existing and the 35% maximum allowed for second story. The new dwelling should be set back the same distance as the front setback of the abutting dwelling facing the same street. 98 20-foot setback, while the adoption of the City’s zoning code in 1944 subsequently 99 established a foot setback after the majority of t25- he houses were built. The petitioner proposes to construct a second-story addition above the existing first floor footprint. Bayside Council acknowledges the Traditional custodians – the Gadigal/Bidjigal people of the Eora Nation. Second Story ADUs: Reduce maximum heights for second-story ADUs above detached garages from 28 ft. to 20 ft. to limit height and mass, and to keep units secondary to the single-family home. ft. Heights above 30 feet are discouraged on hillside sites. Bayside District #4, ZONNIG: R-7.5, RMA, GPIN: 1477-39-5114 Xenofon Fisekis and Rob Holcomb appeared before the Board. located in the side yard setback. This is a site plan provided by the applicant. The applicant seeks a Minor Accommodation in order to build a portion of the second-story addition at the legally nonconforming side yard setback. Prohibit all balconies and second-story … The people of the Eora Nation, their spirit and ancestors will always remain with our water ways and the land- our Mother Earth. requires a .42 foot variance as it is within 21.58 feet of the front lot line and a second-story addition that requires a .92 foot variance as it is within 6.08 feet of the side lot line. The current proposal is to add a new second-story addition which maintains a left side setback that is 6 inches less than the required 5-foot minimum setback and creates a protrusion into the daylight plane. 10 10.1.603 Reduces street facing side yard setbacks on the first floor from 20% of lot width to 10%. The existing rear yard setback is at 4.9’ where a minimum of 7.0’ is required per Zoning Code Section 17.102.040. The people of the Eora Nation, their spirit and ancestors will always remain with our water ways and the land- our Mother Earth. Major residential addition to create a second story by raising the existing one-story dwelling up and adding a new first floor below, creating an average height of 26 ft. 7 in. The second story deck shall remain unenclosed both above and underneath the deck. 3. 9 10.1.03 Add reference in table to requirement for average front yard setback. Lots 49 feet wide or less = 5 feet on each side. There will be no significant changes to the footprint to the building. The policy provides for exceptions to setbacks … The Applicant is proposing to construct a 108 square foot first-story and a 130 square foot second-story living space addition to an existing 1,580 square foot, twostory, single- - family residence. The granting of Variance No. Limit portions of the ADU above garages to 280 sq. The mass and bulk of the second View all services, news & events. setbacks is a modest change to the character of the neighborhood. second story addition conform to the R-15 development standards except the project requires an Exception to Total Floor Area. second story bonus room and a 366 square-foot twodetached-car garage resulting in a 2,463 square-foot three-bedroom, two-bathroom residence with an existing bonus room. required to allow non-conforming setbacks to remain, and for the project to have non-conforming 7-foot, 10-inch front setback for a deck, an 18-foot, 1-inch front setback for the second story addition, and a 3-foot right side setback. The property is located at 982 Courtenay Drive, N.E., fronting 65 feet on the north side of No significant trees are proposed to be removed. The proposed room addition and second story deck shall be constructed in substantial adherence to the submitted site plan. side yard setback on the north side of the primary residence, where a 17’-O” setback would otherwise be required pursuant to current zoning code requirements. ;¼³T¹ÌYB»ÂÀM‡Mä°AêF~’¢‚ñ$¬È =J*G¹×Y‰:Œ]gªâf. The City Council, acting pursuant to the authority vested in it by the laws of the State of Illinois and the Zoning Code, … 9. setbacks of 25 feet and a minimum rear setback of 50 feet. Case 2: Bruce Mills requests … Footer. The required front lot line setback is twenty-two (22) feet and the required side lot line setback is seven (7) feet. Here to help you in the community. No gables or dormers will be allowed above the second story plate line; N. Neighborhood Liaison: During construction, the contractor will provide a liaison to respond to questions and complaints … the 15 foot second story front yard setback. Side yard setback requirements have been increased up to 2 feet for lots less than 75 feet in width. 14001- for a 10 ft. rear yard setback in lieu of a 20 ft. setback (10 ft. reduction) for a 1,012 sq. existing single -story, north facing garage. 5. dwelling setback is greater than 9 metres. †ù}ùµÁÝâèðksš–æÝÕïðrs³Ü¨^kÄŧcçðvãCÔò6–küÚáå}øµØ°èv~­ýý0¿†/ä×Nâ¿Ç¯›Ðȃ_¿óºÐÈf5t¥á×'óÕ6Þøâj?¯þÇ}’ƒÛ²\¿ûþÞbgøh‘/Á}^V.

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