antarctica heat wave upsc

Mar 14, 2021   |   by   |   Uncategorized  |  No Comments

Antarctica comprises the continent and the southern polar sea. Severe Heat Wave: When actual maximum temperature ≥47°C. Most research stations operate on the time in their home country. (30.09.2019), Australia's dry and hot weather, coupled with ocean heat waves, could last for months. Casey Research Station: Researchers recorded the heat wave at the Casey Research Station between 23 and 26 January 2020. Required fields are marked *, GSTIMES.IN, E-MAIL:, +91-7428811251. "The declines that we've seen are definitely dramatic," Steve Forrest, a conservation biologist who was part of the expedition, told Reuters. Meteorologists' forecasts don't bode well for battling bushfires across Australia. Chinstraps aren't in imminent danger of extinction, but the decline of their populations is a stark warning about broad environmental changes taking place. This small emperor penguin is just one of them. Both male and female work in shifts of around 6 days each to incubate the eggs. But in the past 50 years, their population on the Antarctic Peninsula has declined by more than half. b) Based on Actual Maximum Temperature (for plains only) Heat Wave: When actual maximum temperature ≥ 45°C. Scientists from the Australian Antarctic Program have recorded the first heat wave at a research base in East Antarctica. Co-author Dana Bergstrom said the hot summer could affect local populations positively at first, but could also lead to drought and heat stress on species adapted for the cold. Heat Waves typically occur between March and June, and in some rare cases even extend till July. Record Heat Wave in Antarctica. Increased likelihood of extreme events such as heat wave, flooding, hurricanes, etc. The period falls in the region’s summer season. Record temperature: Over the course of the three days (23-26 January) , scientists found the area to be experiencing “its highest temperature ever,” recording a record of 9.2 degrees Celsius at Casey on 24 January. ... MARSUPIAL THEORY — a wave pouch that allows cyclones to grow, ... 40th Indian scientific expedition to Antarctica | UPSC HEADLINES: 40th Indian scientific expedition to Antarctica… Read More. Call : 9354229384, 9354252518, 9999830584. click here Antarctica is the largest desert in the world, covering an area of 13,829,430 square kilometres (533, 957 square miles) — about 1.3 times the size of Europe. Antarctica. Global sea-level rise was also similar to 2019 value.This was mainly due to the increased melting of the ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica. Finally: no, contrary to some fictional depictions, there are no polar bears in the Antarctic – they live in the Arctic Circle at the other end of the Earth. Antarctica is located on all longitudes and extends over all time zones. Scientists have recorded Antarctica's first documented heat wave, warning that animal and plant life on the isolated continent could be drastically affected by climate change. However, only four of the 17 known penguin species are native to Antarctica. Antarctica is the coldest continent on Earth, with the lowest temperature measured reading -98.6 degrees Celsius (-145,48 degrees Fahrenheit). 4. Key highlights. Even in the Antarctic summer, from December to February, 99 percent of Antarctica is covered with ice, some of it up to 5000 meters thick. Send Facebook Twitter reddit EMail Facebook Messenger Web Whatsapp Web Telegram linkedin. Scientists from the Australian Antarctic Program have recorded the first heat wave at a research base in East Antarctica. will offset all the economic advancements made. The heat wave has been observed due to dry northwesterly winds prevailing over northwest and central India. More specifically, they wanted to assess how many chinstrap penguins are left in Western Antarctica compared to the last survey of their population in the 1970s. Antarctica just hit 65 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s hottest day on record. See more about. The Arctic is regarded to be one of the fastest-warming regions worldwide and is said to be heating at twice the global average. Science News: Scientists recorded the first-ever heatwave event in Antarctica between January 23 and 26, which falls in the region’s summer season. Even before the scientists can hear the birds' loud, harsh calls, a pungent smell of penguin excrement indicates that a colony is nearby. They can swim up to 80 kilometers (50 miles) offshore each day to obtain their food. There are 80 research stations that they can stay in, which are currently operated by almost 30 countries. Report. The period falls in … A team of scientists from two US universities set sail on an Antarctic expedition at the start of this year. Their findings revealed that some colonies had experienced a drop of up to more than 70%. The Antarctic Polar Front forms the boundary, where the northern extension of the Southern Ocean separates the cold surface water in the south from the warmer water in the north. Heat Wave need not be considered till the maximum temperature of a station reaches at least 40°C for Plains and at least 30°C for Hilly regions. What is Heatwave: According to Dr. Sharon Robinson -author of the researcher paper published in Global Change Biology journal, “heatwaves are classified as three consecutive days with both extreme maximum and minimum temperatures.”, Your email address will not be published. A heat wave rolled through one of the coldest spots on the planet. This area is the presumed source … IMD definition of ‘Heat Wave’ – Heat Wave need not be considered till the maximum temperature of a station reaches at least 40°C for Plains and at least 30°C for Hilly regions. New NASA images reveal that nearly a quarter of an Antarctic island's snow cover melted in that time -- … मासिक करेंट अफेयर्स वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न व्याख्या सहित, MONTHLY CURRENT AFFAIRS OBJECTIVE WITH EXPLANATION, UPSC करेंट अफेयर्स प्रारम्भिकी टेस्ट सीरीज, अस्सी प्रतिशत आबादी मास्क पहने तो कोरोना पर लग सकती है लगाम, UPSC Prelims GS Current Affairs MCQ MARCH 2021, UPSC Prelims GS-1 Current Affairs MOCK-FEBRUARY 2021, UPSC Prelims GS-1 Current Affairs MOCK-JANUARY 2021, UPSC (IAS) Prelims Current Affairs GS-1 MOCK-December 2020, UPSC (IAS) Prelims Current Affairs GS-1 MCQ-November 2020, UPSC (IAS) Prelims Current Affairs based MCQ-October, 2020, IAS (UPSC) Prelims Current Affairs based MCQ-September, 2020, IAS Prelims Current Affairs based MCQ-August, 2020, UPSC CSP-Current Affairs MCQ Model-July, 2020, Current Affairs Quiz (MCQ) September, 2020, Current Affairs Objective Quiz-MCQ: 1-31 August, 2020, Current Affairs Objective Quiz-MCQ: 1-31 July, 2020, Current Affairs Quiz-MCQ: 1-30 June, 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Heat Waves typically occur between March and June, and in some rare cases even extend till July. This quiz is intended to introduce you to concepts and certain important facts relevant to UPSC IAS civil services preliminary exam 2020. But researchers say the production of this iceberg, called D28, is not due to climate change. While an increase in meltwater flooding associated with higher temperatures could provide extra water to such ecosystems – helping them on a short-term basis - it could also dislodge plants and radically change the composition of communities of invertebrates and microbes. Penguins have not learned to fear humans, so they mostly ignore their visitors. 0:54. BNO News. There will be more burning in the Arctic Circle this summer, as a stagnant, warm weather pattern continues to heat the region. Heat waves are classified as three consecutive days where very high maximum and minimum temperatures are recorded. But as global warming is causing ice sheets to melt and is driving food abundance down, reproduction is becoming less successful. With a length of just seven millimetres, these little guys are considered to be the largest land animals permanently living in Antarctica: the Antartic midge (Belgica antarctica). 1. The pattern of the UPSC exam is constantly changing and now the questions are based on more static plus current mixture. Scientists said, Antarctica, experienced the first heat wave, and expressed their concerns about the long-term damage that these phenomena can do to animals, plants and ecosystems. Current weather in Antarctica, with temperatures in 16 cities, including high and low temperatures for the country. As Pelot noted, melt events like this are quite rare for Antarctica, even during the summer. Between January 23 and 26, a research team at Casey — directly south of Perth in western Australia — recorded the highest maximum and minimum temperatures ever seen at the base. "It drives the global ocean conveyor belt, a constant system of deep-ocean circulation which transfers oceanic heat around the planet, and its melting ice sheet adds to global sea-level rise.". ... China Warns of 104 Degrees Fahrenheit Heat Wave. We have launched our mobile app, get it now. The following quiz will have 5-10 MCQs. Severe Heat Wave: Departure from normal is >6.4°C. 3. According to NASA, the warm temperatures of February 2020 were caused by a combination of meteorological elements. They are named after the narrow black band on the underside of their heads. Most of the time, the larvae are frozen in the ice – real survivors! the highest ever temperature — 18.3 degrees — was recorded at the Argentinian research station Esperanza Base. Scientists say they have recorded the continent's first heat wave after a spike in temperatures in late January. A heat wave is a period of abnormally high temperatures, more than the normal maximum temperature that occurs during the summer season in the North-Western and South Central parts of India. High temperatures over ocean surfaces in 2020: 80 percent of ocean areas experienced at least one marine heat wave (MHW) till date. | Mobile version. An Aurora is a display of light in the sky predominantly seen in the high latitude regions (Arctic and Antarctic) that is caused by the collision of energetic charged particles with atoms in the high-altitude atmosphere. Chinstrap penguins feed on small fish, like krill, shrimp and squid. When they procreate, they build circular nests from stones and lay two eggs. Sea-level rise is … 3 minute read; PDFs of the content in videos will be provided. It is also known as a Polar light. Chinstraps choose to nest in particularly inaccessible and remote places. Sign up here. Researchers expressed concern about the damage the phenomenon could have on flora and fauna. What is Aurora? Last month, the highest ever temperature — 18.3 degrees — was recorded at the Argentinian research station Esperanza Base. It surpassed Antarctica’s previous record, set in 2015, by 0.8 degrees Celsius. Veuer. During the period, minimum temperatures were higher than zero degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit) while the maximums peaked above 7.5 degrees.

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